What’s On My Plate – August 2018

I SWEAR I just wrote my WOMP July post…what is going on? July went by in a blink! I can only think it was because I was so busy and went on several trips, which always makes time feel like it’s moving too fast. My reading plan for August is more like a suggestion?? I will probably be all over the place because I barely made a dent in my July review books. So I will be picking up some of those, forging ahead with August’s pile, and who knows what else.

I’ve also decided to participate in what used to be called the New Release Giveaway Hop, where one winner will get to pick an August release book of their choice. I like doing hops on occasion because I can include my INTERNATIONAL blogging friends, so stop by on August 2nd for that!

Otherwise, August is going to be bittersweet, because it’s the last month with my daughter home before she moves to BOSTON. I am just starting to freak out. I will be flying to Boston with her and my son to move her into the dorm and attend part of her college orientation at the end of the month. Because it’s so damn expensive, my husband is staying home with the dogs, but I’m not crazy about that idea because I REALLY hate flying and travelling in general, and with my kids I feel like it will be even more challenging. At least my daughter is a well seasoned traveler, so I’m putting her in charge of getting us from place to place, lol. Wish me luck!

So on to my reading plans! This list is my August review pile (and you don’t need to remind me how OUT OF CONTROL it is!), but keep in mind that I may be dipping into my unread July pile as well. In other words, expect the unexpected:-D

Must Read August books:

Top of the list this month is Bloody Rose by Nicholas Eames, although I have a few books I need to knock off first. I can’t believe I’ve had enough self control to wait until August to read this:-)

Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennett is my current read, and so far I love it:-) I had hoped to read this last month, but it just didn’t happen. Anyone out there read it yet?

And after loving Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell, I immediately wrote to the publisher and requested the next book in the series, Shadowblack.

More awesome August releases:

I just got a copy of this fantastic sounding book, Garrison Girl by Rachel Aaron (author of the popular Heartstriker books as well as Fortune’s Pawn under Rachel Bach – wow she’s a busy writer!). This sounds so good!

I really enjoyed the first Nick Mamatas book I read, so I’m curious to read his latest, The People’s Republic of Everything, a collection of short stories.

Alternate Routes by Tim Powers will be my first Powers book in years. He’s one of my all time favorite authors, so I’m anxious to see what his books are like these days.

These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch has some mixed reviews, so I’m a little hesitant to read it. We’ll see.

I’m very excited about Nine by Zach Hines, which seems to be getting some good reviews already.

I was recently contacted by author Joshua Winning, and he kindly sent me a copy of his latest book Vicious Rumer. I don’t usually take on books from unknown publishers, but I have been seeing this book around and it sounds really good.

Nexhuman by Francesco Verso is translated from the Italian, where it was an award winning novel. I’m curious!

The Book of Hidden Things by ANOTHER Francesco, Francesco Dimitri, sort of snuck up on me. I’m going to try my best to get to it this month, because it has some really good reviews.

Girl at the Grave by Teri Bailey Black came to me unsolicited, but it’s a short book and it also sounds like a really good YA mystery, so I hope to squeeze this in.

Books from Comic Con. If I have time.

I pickup up these two very tempting August releases from San Diego Comic Con a couple of weeks ago, and even though they aren’t “review commitments,” I would love to read both of them. Temper by Nicky Drayeden and Bad Man by Dathan Auerbach both sound really good. I got to meet Dathan Auerbach which makes me even more interested in reading his book! I believe he gained attention for a self-published book, and then was picked up by a major publisher for this one.

In case you missed any of my July reviews, you can catch them here:

Spellslinger by Sebastien de Castell

Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse

The Unfortunates by Kim Liggett

One of Us by Craig DiLouie

Awakened by James S. Murray & Darren Wearmouth

Jurassic, Florida by Hunter Shea

And that’s how my month is shaping up. Let me know what your August reading plans are! Are we reading any of the same books?

Posted August 1, 2018 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 42 Comments

42 responses to “What’s On My Plate – August 2018

  1. I hope your August ends up being great and good luck with the traveling! For July I knew exactly what I was going to read and I did read all of my July TBR but for August I have no idea except for 2 arcs that I’ll have to read. Beyond that? Who knows. lol

    • Tammy

      Sounds like you have some room to just read whatever your mood tells you to read, that sounds like so much fun:-)

  2. Looks like a great month ahead! I really want to read that new Sebastien de Castell series! It sounds fun.

    July flew by for me too, not sure where the days went! Boston is a great college town, wishing your daughter great success in school!

    • Tammy

      Thanks, I can’t wait to visit Boston, it will be my first time there and everyone I know loves it:-)

    • Tammy

      Now I’m curious to read Girl at the Grave. I’m OK with love triangles if they work, so we’ll see:-)

  3. I know – where did July go. I’m reading Anna Smith Spark and loving it – then Foundryside and Temper. Can’t wait.
    Lynn đŸ˜€
    P.S. – WOMP – that’s so funny – you should shorted it to that all the time!

  4. I hope your August is amazing even though your daughter is leaving. I love flying! I hope your trip is good! We are not reading any of the same books but I don’t have any books I have to read this month and I am really enjoying the freedom of getting to choose whatever I want! (Though there are way more books that I want to read than books I have time to read!
    Brittany recently posted…July Wrap Up & August PlansMy Profile

    • Tammy

      I think having the freedom to just pick up any book you want will be awesome! I should try it sometime;-)

  5. Those first three August must read books look just like my plans! đŸ™‚ I’m in the middle of Foundryside as well and am also really enjoying it–I’m really loving the magic system. Honestly, though, I want to read all the books pretty much in this post haha, so I hope you get around to a lot of them and enjoy them!

    July really did go by so quickly! I don’t even understand how it’s happening. I hope your August goes well and that travelling andt he move go smoothly. I’ve only ever been the one to move away to college, haha, but it was definitely challenging. (Of course, I ended up moving back home and finishing my university experience at school closer to home for financial/other reasons, but the initial move was still hard!). I’m sure she’s really excited–and I hate flying and travelling myself, so I wish you the best with that! Have a great month!
    Jordan Rose recently posted…Can’t-Wait Wednesday: The Fall of Gondolin by J.R.R. Tolkien & A Touch of Gold by Annie SullivanMy Profile

    • Tammy

      It will be fun to compare some of the books we’re both reading. I hope to finish Foundryside this weekend and post a review next week. We’ll see!

  6. Aww I hope it will be a great month though your daughter is going off to college.
    It looks great reading-wise though. Can’t wait to read your thoughts on Bloody Rose and The Book of Hidden Things.

    • Tammy

      So far I love it! I’m hoping to have a nice long stretch of hours this weekend to finish it up:-)

  7. It does seem like just yesterday I was reading your July post! This month has gone by so quickly. Foundryside, Shadowblack, and Bloody Rose are my must-reads for August too, in fact I think I’ll have to make my next read one of those!

    • Tammy

      I’m loving Foundryside! And one more after than and then it’s going to be Bloody Rose. At least I know what I’ll be reading for the next week or so:-)

  8. All the best with your proposed reads – I’m delighted you loved Spellslinger so that you have tracked down the next book:). As regards your travelling, best of luck. And what I would say regarding your family ‘leaving home’ – we regularly have family returning either for breaks/holidays/lick their wounds since they departed. So don’t worry – they will be back!

    • Tammy

      Thanks for the pep talk! I know it’s part of growing up and I’m sure it will be an adjustment to have both kids gone. But life moves on:-)

  9. Boston from California?? That’s quite the move distance-wise. But I hope the move goes as smoothly as possible when the time comes!

    I never got around to commenting on your Trail of Lightning review, but I’m really interested in checking out that book for myself sometime. As for my August reading plans, I don’t have any new books on my radar, so I think it will be mostly me catching up on my (literal) TBR pile. I think the next two books at the top are N.K. Jemisin’s The Shadowed Sun and Julie Dao’s Forest of a Thousand Lanterns. I might also borrow Tomi Adeyemi’s Children of Bone & Blood from the library soon.
    Sara Letourneau recently posted…Five Reasons to Read a Poem Every Day (or Every Night)My Profile

    • Tammy

      My daughter couldn’t have picked anyplace further in the U.S than Boston is from Los Angeles, Lol. I’ll be interested in hearing what you think about Trail of Lightning:-)

  10. Oh gosh, your daughter is about to go through some big moments now! From the sound of it, she seems like she’s ready for the adventure, unlike her mommy! Hahahah! đŸ˜› Those are some pretty epic book, but Nicholas Eames’ sequel is clearly the MOST ANTICIPATED READ this month!!! Happy reading! đŸ˜€

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