Since we’ve technically just passed the first quarter of 2018, I thought it would be fun to see where I am in regards to the reading challenges I’ve set forth for myself this year. I’m very casual with challenges, as I don’t want them to stress me out, but so far this year I’m doing pretty good.
1. Goodreads Challenge
So 19 books may not seem like much to some bloggers, but the fact that I’m on track makes me pretty happy.
2. WWE Women of Genre Fiction Reading Challenge
This challenge is to read a total of 24 speculative fiction books by women, and twelve of them should be new-to-me authors while the other twelve can be books by authors I’ve already read. Here’s where I am so far:
I’ve read seven out of twenty-four which is just over where I need to be. And I’m happy to say I’m on target with four books read by new-to-me authors, and the other three by authors I’ve already read.
New to me:
Authors previously read:
So I hope to keep up this momentum and hopefully even surpass the challenge requirements!
3. 2018 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge
This challenge asks readers to choose a book each month based on a theme, or motif. So far I’ve been able to complete all three months, although March was stretching it a bit—let me know what you think!
January – Diversify Your Reading – Read a book with a character (or written by an author) of a race, religion or sexual orientation other than your own. My choice: Winterglass by Benjanun Sriduangkaew. This story takes place in Southeast Asia, was written by a Southeast Asian author, and has a group of diverse sexually oriented characters as well. It pretty much fit the bill in every way!
February – One Word – Read a book with a one word title. Easy! I chose Outpost by W. Michael Gear.
March – Travel the World – a Book set in a different country other than your own, written by an author from another country other than your own, or a book in which the characters travel. So I picked Semiosis by Sue Burke for this motif. It’s set on another planet, and during the course of the story, the characters travel from one city to another. Hey, it works for me!
Coming up in April, the motif is to read a book set in your own country, state or city. That should be easy! Click on the link above for more information, it’s never too late to join!
19 already! Great job. I’m at 17, but I’ve also been counting audiobooks, which sometimes feels like cheating…
I don’t think audio books is cheating at all. Lots of bloggers read a gazillion books a year BECAUSE of audio books:-)
You’re doing great on your challenges! I’m only doing the Goodreads one because it’s not something I have to think about
I’m 9 ahead which is truly a miracle for me. I’m also doing a horror challenge this month but that’s also a no-brainer.
Wow, nine ahead is fantastic! I hope you can stay ahead all year:-)
Wow, you really are rocking these challenges. All of mine are going well so far too. That Goodreads one bugs me the most because once you fall behind, it mocks you every time you visit the site. Half of last year was that way so I refuse to get behind this year!
I know! That mocking tone that Goodreads has really bugs me, but I guess on the flip side when you get ahead it makes you feel good:-)
You are doing really, really well, Tammy:). I need to report back for my 2017 Increasing Discoverability Challenge – that’s how behind I am! I hope your 2018 reading year continues to go so well – you have had some wonderful books so far:)
I feel like it’s been a great year for reading so far, and I don’t see that changing any time soon!
I remember you saying you struggle with challenges so bravo for you for doing so well!!
Thanks Jennifer! I usually forget all about them, lol. Having a couple that I enjoy helps.
These look like fun challenges, and looks like you’re doing pretty good!
Thanks Greg, they are fun! I don’t want to make reading challenges a chore:-)
Great job! Looks like you’re on track. I may have to look at that monthly motif challenge too, looks like a fun one that’s also easy enough to do
It’s super easy (the Monthly Motif challenge), although I’m not sure what my April book is going to be since so many of mine are set in space, lol!
I’m only doing the Goodreads one so I don’t stress myself into oblivion, and reading comic books sort of easily helped me stay on track (and even be way ahead too) hahah I applaud you for your progress in all these though! So cool!
I get stressed with challenges as well, but I like picking ones where I know I’m going to be reading those books anyway so I figure it’s a win-win:-)
Great progress – you’re well on track to succeed. I also like the motif challenge. Will have to check it out.
Looks like you’re doing a great job to me!