I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Published by Tor Books on November 28 2018
Genres: Young adult, Fantasy
Pages: 336
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
Buy on Amazon
This might be the first ever Did Not Finish review on this blog! Normally I wouldn’t post anything about a book I didn’t finish, but I’m changing up things for a couple of reasons.
1. I want to let the publisher know WHY I didn’t finish it.
2. Since I have a NetGalley copy, I want to be able to post something, especially since I’m working on getting my NetGalley stats up this year.
I only managed to get to 13% in my Kindle, and I feel bad that I didn’t try a little harder, but here are the reasons I decided to stop reading:
Waaaaay too young and juvenile for me.
The writing style immediate felt more middle grade than young adult to me, and while I don’t want to bash MG novels at all, I just have zero interest in reading books for that age group. Zero interest. So despite trying to slog through even more painful prose and immature shenanigans, I just decided to call it quits.
Waaaaay too silly for me.
In the vein of “too young” for me, the story was just ridiculous, and not in a “I love weird fiction” way at all. I struggled with the character’s dialogue, I struggled with the characters’ actions, and I struggled with the characters’ situations. And this was all in the first 13%.
Didn’t catch my interest.
I know that some stories take a little time to get going, and some of my favorite books have started slow and ended up being fantastic, but this time there was absolutely nothing that grabbed me, not a single character that I felt was worth following, and so I stopped reading. I honestly thought I’d take a break, read something else, and then come back to Weave a Circle Round, but I was never able to drum up enough enthusiasm to do that.
Too many other books that I want to get to.
Perhaps the biggest reason I’m moving on, there are just too many books waiting for me to read. Trying to finish a book you’re not enjoying takes away from awesome books I could be reading right now.
Who knows, maybe I missed out on something wonderful, but based on a few reviews from trusted bloggers, I’m betting that this never would have worked for me, even if I’d stuck it out. And so, I’ve moved on. Many readers love this book, and it’s received amazing blurbs from the industry, but it just wasn’t for me.
Thanks to the publisher for supplying a review copy.
I post DNF reviews all the time. I like to know why a person didn’t finish as much as why they love something. Like you said to many books to waste time on one your not enjoying.
Good to hear that you post DNF reviews often! I definitely feel like I could do it again if I need to:-)
I am trying to be better about DNFing this year. You know I struggle with it. When I do DNF, I post reviews but don’t provide a rating. The way I see it, not everybody is going to love everything they read. Sorry this one didn’t work out for you.
I agree, I think it’s better not to rate DNFs. After all, you don’t have the full knowledge of the book so why should you rate it?
Sounds like the best move! May your next book be much better
Thanks Laurie!
Sometimes letting an author/publisher know the reason we don’t finish a book can work as a sort of… public service, for want of a better word. IMHO it helps point out the problems with the writing/editing and can help us reader in getting better books. Hopefully…
I think you’re right. I certainly don’t want to offend an author in any way, but I just couldn’t get through this.
As long as a negative review is expressed as civilly as yours was, there could be no risk of offense. Besides I think authors should develop a somewhat thicker skin as a survival trait…
Oh my, completely understand!! And I think DNF reviews can be useful, I’ve definitely posted some, but I was surprised to see one here. Guess now I know why since you mentioned it was your first. (also, I can tell by your DNF review that there is no way this book would work for me)
I’m sure I’ll post another one, now that I realize it’s not that big a deal!
I’ve posted one DNF review before, and like you, I did not bash it, but instead explained why it did not work for me personally and what I would have preferred.
Yeah, that’s the only way to handle it. Not every book works for every reader.
I understand your reasons for DNFing this one and respect your reasons. Better luck with the next read, Tammy:)
It’s not something I do often, but sometimes you just have to move on.
I don’t blame you. To be honest, if I weren’t so obsessive about completing books, I probably would have abandoned this one too. Not a bad book, but it was just all wrong for my tastes.
My expectations for this one would have been all wrong, too. I DNFed a book after 7 pages this week. When you know it’s not for you, there’s no reason to push harder.
That’s too bad – it sounded like it had potential.
YES to there being too many books out there to waste time on something you don’t like!
I like your reasons
I’ve seen this book around, so I’m surprised you DNFed! But totally valid reasons. However, did you know you don’t have to review for your ratio to go up? You just send the feedback. And leave the review blank. I did a double take when I found out, cause that changes things xD
Oh wow, I didn’t know that! Thanks for letting me know
I’m sorry to hear that this didn’t work for you, but I’ll also welcome you into the life of the DNF review! Haha. I feel so freed since writing more DNF reviews. No sense in reading a book that’s not for you, right?
Oh good, I’m in the DNF club:-) After this, I know I’ll be more likely to DNF again.
I already have a hard time picking up anything that is categorized as Young Adult… But if a YA I pick up turns out to be very MG’ish… Gosh… I know I’d be suffering hahah Thanks for the honest review though!
You probably wouldn’t do too well with this one, please I don’t want to see you suffer!
I actually ended up liking this – although it had a mad ending. But, it wasn’t what I was expecting. Very quirky, definitely juvenile and not at all creepy – which I was expecting for some strange reason. I enjoyed the dysfunctional feel to it all but I can definitely see why this wouldn’t work for everyone and I think the disappointment of it not being what you expected doesn’t help.
I do wonder how I would feel if I’d read the whole thing, but oh well. Moving on!
As I’m sure you know, I post DNF reviews ALL the time. lol I also only do them when it’s a review book since netgalley/edelweiss requires you post something. Glad I passed on this one. The juvenile aspect would’ve been its downfall for me as well.