Well, we made it to the end of another year! December is one of my favorite months on the blog, because it’s my “catch up” month. It’s a typically slow month for new releases, and this year I only have two December releases to review, which leaves me room for a less structured reading month. (Also I love that WordPress makes it snow on my blog in December!) I’ll be reading those two books for sure, and I’m highlighting some of my choices for “catching up.” I’m going to let my mood be my guide, and read whatever strikes my fancy! Besides reviews, this is also the month of Top Ten lists, so look for my favorites of the year a little later in the month. I also have an awesome interview and giveaway planned (keep reading!). Here’s what’s on my plate this month:
For Review:
Note both books have the word “glass” in them. Yes, I totally planned that;-)
Glass Town by Steven Savile. I checked Goodreads, and this book has been on my “Want to Read” shelf since April 2016! So it feels like I’ve been waiting for it forever.
Winterglass by Benjanun Sriduangkaew. Some mixed reviews for this book, but I’m drawn in by the lovely cover. I’m hoping the story is just as good.
“Catch Up” Review Books:
These are just some of the review books from 2017 I need to review, and obviously I won’t get to all of them, but like I said, I’m going to pick and choose based on my mood!
The Naked World by Eli K.P. William. I will definitely get to this book at some point, because I have two extra copies to giveaway, and I don’t want them to go to waste.
Jade City by Fonda Lee. This is almost a sure thing, I’ve read some really good reviews and I’m very eager to check this out.
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee. Readers loved this book, and I’m pretty determined to get to it.
Kill Creek by Scott Thomas. Another book that everyone seems to love, this will be my “spooky” read of the month!
Devils & Thieves by Jennifer Rush. I was so enthusiastic to read this, but I just had too much on my plate and couldn’t get to it.
The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden. This quirky science fiction has my name written all over it, and I hope to find time soon to check it out.
Sourdough by Robin Sloan. I’m so mad at myself for not reading this yet! I love Sloan and I must read this at some point.
Weave a Circle Round by Kari Maaren. This is probably a sure read as well. I’ve been reading some great reviews lately, and I’m intrigued by the “old-fashioned children’s story” idea.
Above the Timberline by Gregory Manchess. This book is gorgeous, and it’s heavy on the artwork, so I’m hoping it’s a fairly quick read.
“Get Ahead” – January Review Books
Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters. I’m hoping I can squeeze in at least one January book to get ahead, and this may be the one. Short stories from a simply gorgeous writer!
Black Star Renegades by Michael Moreci. I was literally just approved for this on NetGalley a couple of days ago, and I may try to get a jump on it, since it’s a January 2nd release.
Author Interview & Giveaway:
I’m so thrilled to have author Tracy Townsend visit this month! I LOVED her latest fantasy, The Nine, and I hope you’ll enjoy our interview, which is scheduled for Tuesday the 5th. Even better, Pyr Books is giving away three copies, and the giveaway is international! You don’t want to miss this book.
It’s going to be an interesting month! I’m glad I’m giving myself a little slack to really read what speaks to me, rather than put myself on a strict schedule.
Oh my, so many good books here! I feel ashamed I’ve accomplished so little this year. New job, new pressures and young, demanding kids… 😀 Well, let’s hope for the best in 2018. In the meantime, I’ll relax and enjoy your always amazing reviews. Thanks, Tammy!
Never feel ashamed, Steph! Young kids suck your time up, that’s for sure. I never in a million years could have had a blog when my kids were little. Thanks Steph!
It’s so hard to believe that it’s December! Where has this year gone??
I’m also planning to use December as a semi catch-up month, too. Not sure how many 2017 books I’ll get to before the year’s end, but I just finished La Bella Sauvage by Philip Pullman, and after my current read I think I’ll hop onto Skullsworn by Brian Staveley.
Oh I’m dying to hear how you liked La Belle Sauvage! I really want to read it, but it looks like it won’t be happening this year.
I should have a review up on Goodreads either today or by Sunday at the latest. But in short, it was very good and became more and more unputdownable as I went on, though I think I enjoyed the first half more than the second half.
Looks like you have lots of good books planned. I need to figure out what I need to read vs what I want to read and get a post up. I actually have Prey of Gods out from the library now and on a whim, read the first 5 chapters the other night. I have a few more to finish first but I am definitely loving it so far. I love the look on that little girl’s face on the cover – that alone made me want to read this book! Hope you have a peaceful December as possible – it seems to be a crazy month right?
Barb (boxermommyreads) recently posted…Weekly Reads (12/01/17)
Ha ha, peaceful? Probably not, lol. But I’m trying to enjoy myself and not get stressed out. My daughter was chosen to sing the Silent Night solo in her choir Holiday show (which is a really big deal) and that’s keeping me going!
Looks like a lot of interesting reads for this month. I am trying to catch up on some and read some December and get ahead with January as well.
Good luck to both of us, Stormi!
I started working on my top 10 2017 releases post earlier today. I want to read a couple more fantasy debuts this month so I can do a post on THAT–2017 has been phenomenal year for fantasy debuts.
It’s been a great year for books of all genres, I think. I’ll look forward to your post!
Black Star Renegades is one of the titles I’m most curious about, it has all the right vibes that could make it a big hit with me.
And I’m pretty sure you will enjoy Jade City quite a bit: I’ve started it (I’m around the 20% mark) and it’s a very immersive experience, quite different from what I expected – and I mean that in a positive sense! 🙂
Maddalena@spaceandsorcery recently posted…Novella Review: PENRIC’S DEMON (Penric and Desdemona #1), by Lois McMaster Bujold
I love when books surprise me, so I’m even more eager to read Jade City!
Yay! Hope you enjoy Jade City! It was quite the adventure, and I’m definitely looking forward to the next book. I also got to admit that Winterglass has me mesmerized by its cover. Hope it’s good! Happy reading, Tammy. 🙂
I’m so glad you loved it! I can’t wait to dive in:-)
I’m definitely looking forward to playing some catch up in December! Jade City is on my list, as well as Weave a Circle Round. About to start on The Nine and I’m psyched 🙂
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Mogsy’s Bookshelf Roundup: Stacking the Shelves & Recent Reads
I can’t wait to hear how you like The Nine. I’m really struggling with Weave a Circle Round, and I’m going to put it to the side for now, otherwise I’m not going to get anything read this month.
I really like the cover of Winterglass. As you said, hopefully the story does it justice. I’ve seen The Prey of Gods in a number of places and it’s one I’d like to try, along with The Nine. But Above the Timberline is the one I’d most like to read (and admire the artwork!). Looks like you have a lot of great books lined up.
Maybe too many books lined up? I just need a few more hours in each day and I’ll be set!
Love the snow effect. 🙂 And Jade City has me REALLY curious! Above the Timberline is one I have to get, I think it was Mogsy’s review that sold me. Looks fabulous.
Greg recently posted…Sunday Post #222
I’m excited to dive into Above the Timberline, I think the story is pretty good too:-)
I finished Black Star Renegades, its a fun book. Not perfect, but fun none the less
Lisa @TenaciousReader recently posted…Review: The Guns Above by Robyn Bennis
Hey, fun is good! I can’t wait to start it.
Oh, I hope you end up enjoying The Prey of Gods! It starts out a bit wonky but then goes completely crazy and I loved every second of it from then on.
I just bought Jade City and I’m eager to read it soon. I have high hopes from Sourdough even though I haven’t read Mr. Penumbera’s 24-Hour Bookstore yet. Also interested in reading The Nine and I feel like I should check out Weave a Circle Round since I’ve been seeing it everywhere lately.