What’s On My Plate – September 2017

And another month rolls by…I can hardly believe how fast this year is going! September marks the month my oldest leaves for college. I knew this moment was coming, but when you have young children it just doesn’t seem real. But let me tell you, this shit is real! My boy will be on his own and living somewhere else. I can hardly fathom how I’m going to feel, so check back here for my October What’s On My Plate and I’ll let you know how I’m doing:-)

In the mean time, there are plenty of books to keep my mind occupied and distract me from this big event. September is typically one of the biggest new book release months of the year, and this year is no exception. Here’s what I’m looking forward to reading this month:

Must Reads for September:

Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff. I’ve most likely started this by the time this post goes live, so look for my review just prior to its September 5th release date!

Magicians Impossible by Brad Abraham. Right on the heals of Godsgrave, I’ll be diving into this fantasy debut that some readers are calling “Harry Potter meets James Bond.”

An Unkindness of Magicians by Kat Howard. I loved Howard’s debut last year (Roses and Rot) and I’m so curious to see what she does next.

The Ruin of Angels by Max Gladstone. I’m a bit behind on Max’s Craft Sequence series, but the books act well as stand-alones so I’m not too worried. This marks the series moving to a new publisher (Tor.com) and I love the series cover redesign!

More Awesome September Books:

A Secret History of Witches by Louisa Morgan. I’m so excited to read this, I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve read a good story about witches:-)

Sourdough by Robin Sloan. This book wins the “Strangest Idea” award of the month! But how can you NOT read the follow up book by the guy who wrote Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore?

The Twilight Pariah by Jeffrey Ford. I’m so glad I have a couple of novellas to squeeze in this month, and this is one of them.

Taste of Marrow by Sarah Gailey. Another novella, I’m looking forward to Gailey’s follow-up to River of Teeth.

Freefall by Joshua David Bellin. This is one of only a couple of YA books on my plate this month.

Paradox Bound by Peter Clines. I didn’t get to read Clines’ first book The Fold, but I heard good things about it.

Best Day Ever by Kaira Rouda. I’m switching gears with this book, which is billed as a domestic thriller. I’m actually very excited to read it:-)

An Enchantment of Ravens by Margaret Rogerson. I’ve seen mostly enthusiastic reviews for this YA, I can’t wait:-)

The Glass Game Town by Catherynne M. Valente. This was unsolicited so I’ll most likely get to this another time, but I do want to read it, since Valente is one of my favorite authors.

Clearly with my reading history I won’t be able to get to all these this month, but I’m giving it a try!

Here’s a recap of the books I read in August. I didn’t review a lot last month, but I sure read some amazing books! (Click on the links to read my reviews)

An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock

Black Light Express by Philip Reeve

The Punch Escrow by Tal M. Klein

The Clockwork Dynasty by Daniel H. Wilson

Strange Practice by Vivian Shaw

The Uploaded by Ferrett Steinmetz

Let me know what your plans for September are. Are we reading any of the same books?

Posted September 1, 2017 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 20 Comments

20 responses to “What’s On My Plate – September 2017

  1. Lots of good books here and I’m interested in both Magician books. I bet it’s an excited time for your oldest. However, reading your post made me remember how terrified I was moving into the dorm my freshman year. I remember my Mom and Dad taking me and we had to go into Main Hall to get something which was housed in an very old building and I remember my Dad saying “As much as we have just paid them you would think they could fix the squeaky floors.” That was my dad! Seems like you have lots of good books to keep your mind off of things huh?

  2. todd

    I remember my first month away at college. A little nerve wracking right at the beginning, but it didn’t take long before it all fit together and I started having a great time. Was never quick to make friends, but somehow it all worked out back then. I wish both you and your son well!

    Great range of books for this month! I recognize some, but as usual, most are new to me.

  3. All the best with your son leaving – it can be hard. As ever, I am blown away by your choice in books – and remembered that A Taste of Marrow is soon being released! I hope you get to as many as you can. You had an awesome selection during August – all the best for the coming month!

  4. My reading list for September looks very similar! I’m hoping to finish Godsgrave tonight, then on to Twilight Pariah, Best Day Ever, and An Unkindness of Magicians. Let’s hope I can stick to that plan 🙂

    • Tammy

      It seems like you are always good at sticking to reading plans:-) September is always a tough month because there are just too many books to read!

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