Another month has flown by! I just took my son to his college orientation and I’m feeling really old right now:-( My daughter will be a senior in high school and school starts in two weeks, believe it or not! So I feel like summer is over…
But the books keep on coming, at least, so that’s a good thing! The next few months are very “review book heavy,” as we’re getting into the fall season when new book releases seem to EXPLODE. I don’t have too many August books, so I’ll be catching up with a couple of July books that I couldn’t get to, and perhaps even get ahead and read a September book or two.
Here’s what’s on my plate this month (feel free to salivate along with me—I’m so excited for each and every one of these!):
Must Reads for August:
An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors by Curtis Craddock. I feel like I’ve had this review copy FOREVER so I’m glad it’s finally August:-)
The Clockwork Dynasty by Daniel H. Wilson. I have a copy of Robopocalypse on my shelves, but I haven’t read it yet. I guess this will be my first Wilson!
The Court of Broken Knives by Anna Smith Spark. Well, first of all, our last names are almost the same (!!), and second, I’ve seen some very enthusiastic reviews of this book already. I’m anxious to dive in!
Black Light Express by Philip Reeve. I may be reading this already when this post goes up. I can’t tell you how long I’ve been waiting to read the follow up to Railhead!
The Stone Sky by N.K. Jemisin. The third and final book in Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy is finally here! I’m excited and nervous at the same time to finish this amazing story.
Catch up (July) & Get Ahead (September):
Entertaining Demons by Daniel I. Russell. I just had too many books to read in July, so this is a carry-over, as is An Oath of Dogs by Wendy N. Wagner. Two very different books that both sound so good.
Moving on to September (which is out of control, so I’d love to get a jump on it!), Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff is one of my most highly anticipated books of 2017! It comes out in early September so I’ll try to read it before then.
The Uploaded by Ferrett Steinmetz is one I’ve been looking forward to for months. I still haven’t read Steinmetz’s first trilogy so I’m going to start with his latest.
And here’s a recap of the books I reviewed in July! Click on the links to read my reviews if you missed them. Lots of good stuff here, folks. July was an awesome month:
The Queen of Swords by R.S. Belcher
Devil’s Call by J. Danielle Dorn
Lost Boy by Christina Henry
The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss
The Golden Compass by Philip Pullman
Truthers by Geoffrey Girard
The Truants by Lee Markham
I just ordered a used copy of Oath of Dogs which should arrive next week. It was cheaper than getting the Kindle version (go figure). I’m also interested in Entertaining Demons. I’ve not read the Jay Kristoff series yet and Mr. Barb is pestering me for a Christmas list of books so they might go on that. I buy books all the time so how does he expect me to get a list NOW of what I want THEN!
Barb (boxermommyreads) recently posted…TTT – Covers I Would Definitely Redesign
Wow, Christmas lists already? Mr. Barb has his act together, it seems;-) Yeah, the next few months are crazy with new book releases so all I can do is hang on and try to read faster!
I’m so jealous you get to read An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors!! It sounds like amazing fun, so I hope you like it 🙂 You look like you’re going to be very busy reading all these books! September is such an amazing month for new releases! There’s no way I’ll be able to read them all, but I’m also hoping to get started on a few in August. Right after I finish Daughter of the Burning City!
Liz H. recently posted…Recent Book Hauls! BookOutlet, Trades, ARCs
I’ve been curious about Daughter of the Burning City, I’ll look forward to your review:-)
I cannot wait for The Stone Sky, I really want to know how Jemisin is going to tie this trilogy up, it is definitely going to be on my plate too! 😉
Yes, I always worry a little for “last” books in trilogies, but I have faith in her:-)
It’s been a great July’s reading for you, Tammy. And I am also very impatiently waiting for The Stone Sky to see how this amazing trilogy is going to be finished. I hope you manage to get ahead of your review reading. Have a great August!
sjhigbee recently posted…While the Morning Stars Sing
Thank you Sarah! I’m hoping to get ahead, although I know it won’t be easy – I just seem to be so busy these days. Oh well, hope your August is wonderful as well:-)
My September is looking crazy too, and like you, in August I’m going to try and schedule in fall books to hopefully stay ahead! And wow your son is heading to college! That is huge. My daughter is heading into kindergarten and I’m already feeling emotional, I can’t even imagine what you must be going through 🙂
Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Tough Traveling: Strongholds
Oh wow, Kindergarten! That’s very exciting:-) I know everyone tells you this, but it really does go fast. I remember my son starting Kinder like it was yesterday.
I can’t wait for The Stone Sky! It’s going to be epic! And I see from the sidebar that you have a review of Strange Practice coming up, I’ve been interested to hear more about that.
It’s Worldcon this month here in Finland (next week in fact!), so that’s the biggest thing in my August.
My review of Strange Practice will be up tomorrow:-) Oh you’re so lucky you have Worldcon right in your back yard! Have fun!!
My daughter finished her undergrad was only home a few weeks before I had to move her to NC for grad school. I miss her terribly. ((Hugs)) to you mom. My co-blogger has been trying to get me to read Nevernight. She loved it so much. Maybe soon, because I have heard great things about Godsgrave, so I may be missing out here.
I’m so excited to hear your thoughts on An Alchemy of Masques and Mirrors! You know how much I love a good historical fantasy adventure. 🙂
Danya @ Fine Print recently posted…Review: A School for Unusual Girls by Kathleen Baldwin
We have a week and a half left before the kids go back to school. 🙁 I feel like we hardly had a summer. You guys are so smart using August to get ahead. I’m all “yay, no commitments…” Haha. I clearly do it all wrong.
Well, I don’t know if I CAN get ahead! It’s hard for me to even stay on track with the current month, lol. Yeah, summer sure goes fast these days:-/