Waiting on Wednesday [247] – THE NINE by Tracy Townsend

Waiting on Wednesday is the brainchild of Breaking the Spine, although Jill isn’t hosting this meme anymore. In any case, I will continue to post Waiting on Wednesdays, simply because it’s one of my favorite posts to do each week:-D

I’m always up for a story that involves books, and this upcoming release from Pyr looks fantastic:

A book that some would kill for…

Black market courier Rowena Downshire is doing everything she can to stay off the streets and earn enough to pay her mother’s way to freedom. But an urgent and unexpected delivery leads her face to face with a creature out of nightmares.

The Alchemist knows things few men have lived to tell about, but when a frightened and empty-handed courier shows up on his doorstep he knows better than to turn her away. What he discovers leads him to ask for help from the last man he wants to see–the former mercenary, Anselm Meteron.

Reverend Phillip Chalmers awakes in a cell, bloodied and bruised, facing a creature twice his size. Translating a stolen book that writes itself may be his only hope for survival; however, he soon learns the text may have been written by the Creator himself, tracking the nine human subjects of his Grand Experiment. In the wrong hands, it could mean the end of humanity.

This unlikely team must try to keep the book from those who would misuse it. But how can they be sure who the enemy is when they can barely trust each other? And what will happen to them when it reveals a secret no human was meant to know?

The Nine by Tracy Townsend releases in November 2017 from Pyr Books. I’m loving this brightly colored cover, and of course, who can resist a book about a book?? Not me:-)

Let me know what you’re waiting on this week:-D

Posted May 3, 2017 by Tammy in Waiting on Wednesday / 17 Comments

17 responses to “Waiting on Wednesday [247] – THE NINE by Tracy Townsend

    • Tammy

      They’ve had some really good books out lately. I like them because they are a smaller publisher and only have a handful of SFF titles each season, so it’s easy to keep track of.

    • Tammy

      I’ve had the same experience, some of my favorite books have revolved around, well, books!

  1. Oh I’m with you regarding the cover – it’s GORGEOUS. Looking forward to reading what you have to say about this one:)

    • Tammy

      The cover is quite eye catching, isn’t it? It makes me want to know why the people are purple!

  2. I LOVE this cover! Bright colors for the win! I would love to wear these colors as an outside – definitely my style. Someone should definitely do a Book Looks post for this, one of those fashion-y book bloggers. 😀 Anyway, I hope you enjoy this book when you get the chance to read it!

    Have a lovely week, Tammy. =)

    Alyssa @ The Eater of Books!

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