Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop – Win a Box of Secret Books!


Welcome to the Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop, hosted by I Am A Reader! This blog hop is an opportunity to “spring clean” and take stock of the books on my shelves that I just know I’m never going to read, or books I’ve already read that I want to pass along to someone else. Just like last year, I’m not going to tell you what’s in the secret box! (Or it wouldn’t be a secret, would it?) I will give you some clues, and for the discerning readers out there, these clues will tell you what you’ll get if you win.

Giveaway is open to US only this time. There’s quite the mix here, folks! In addition to a glimpse of what you’ll find in the box, here are some hints:

1. There are NINE books in the box. Of those, seven are young adult, and two are adult.

2. The genres represented in this box are: science fiction, fantasy, thriller, and historical.

3. Three of the books are hardcover, four are ARCS, and two are paperbacks.

4. One of the books was listed in my Top Ten Books of 2014.

5. One of the ARCs is signed by the author!

And now for glimpse of the books:

Can you guess any of these? I’m betting you can! To enter, simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

Follow the rest of the hop:

Posted March 20, 2015 by Tammy in Giveaway Hop, Giveaways / 62 Comments

62 responses to “Spring Cleaning Giveaway Hop – Win a Box of Secret Books!

  1. Kimberly

    I would love to win because I recognize most of the books and they are all on by TBR list.

  2. Brandi S.

    I would love to win the box of books because I love reading and I am in need of some new books!! I do recognize a few of them and I haven’t read them yet so it would be really great to win them! Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. Anita Yancey

    I would like to win these books because they look like some really good books, and I just love to read. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  4. Cheryl Rahkonen

    I have 5 daughters that are all avid readers. I also am a reader. One daughter and I are really into history; another loves the thrillers; and the other 3 love science fiction and fantasy. This would be an ideal box for us to pass around. What an awesome way to spend those cool evenings this spring.

  5. I just entered about thirty giveaways on the list. Some really great blogs and giveaways on it! I have no shame either, books are expensive.

  6. Alexis Cameron

    I would love to win these books because most of them or at least the ones I recognize are ones Ive wanted to read.

  7. Samantha Wallace

    I would love to win this box of books because I love to read because they take me to a different place every time I pick a book up and thanks for the great giveaway!! 🙂

  8. Marissa H.

    I recognize a couple I have been wanting to read, and I always want new books to read!

  9. Cathy French

    I want to win because I am expanding my genre horizons of late and also made a ny resolution to try new genres and to read almost every day.

  10. Judy Cox

    I am always on the look out for new books and I recognize a couple of these and have not read them.

  11. Natasha

    I would love to win this box because I recognize some of the books and they are ones that I really want to read!
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. Carol

    Because I love books, and everything book-related! I’m always looking for new books to read even if I have a pile of TBR which is falling down! 😉

  13. Clarisa Ramirez

    Can’t spend on book since most all my books come from Goodwill. Thank you so much! I love books so much so when I get my own place and have money I will buy bookcase to hold my pretty.

  14. Mia J

    I would like to win because I love to read and this would give me the opportunity to try some new authors and books.

  15. Jan Lee

    I’d like to win so I can have a choice of books to read. I also like to share my books with my sisters and a few friends 😉

  16. Alisha Sienkiel

    Because these are some of my favorite genres and from the glimpses there are a couple books I really want to read! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  17. Chelsea Thomas

    I would love to win these amazing books because I recognize some but not all. I would love to read the books that I recognize. I also want to find out what other books are in the box !!!

  18. BookLady

    Since I love to read and enjoy mystery boxes, I would be thrilled to win these books. Thanks for the fantastic giveaway!

    • Also oh my god you’re about to start Kushiel’s Dart?!? Is this your first time reading it? If it is I am SO excited for you!! I LOVE this trilogy – and I just started Jacqueline Carey’s Agents of Hel series. It’s crazy the same woman wrote both of these series, but they’re both absolutely phenomenal. Ahhhh my inner fangirl is going crazy right now haha!
      Elizabeth recently posted…A Day in the Life #32My Profile

      • Tammy

        I actually have been trying to fit it in for a couple of months, but it will be coming up on the pile very soon. Everyone I know loves it!!!

  19. Kim Reid

    I would love to win a surprise box of books, I enjoy reading a variety of different kinds of books!

  20. Suz Reads

    Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I would love to win this box of books because from what I can guess they look great and I can’t wait to read them!

  21. Lauren Harvey

    I want to win because I’ve been looking for some new books to read, and this has several I recognize that I would love to read!

  22. I want to read these books because some of them were on my list to read and I’ve been dying to have a copy of them. Thank you so much for this amazing chance! 🙂

  23. Chelsea Hatfield

    I want to win because some of the books that I can actually tell what they are are ones that I really want to read. As for the rest–I love surprises! (:

  24. Rachel Bohnert

    I want to read this book of books because I’m always looking for new books to read. Reading is one of my favorite things to do and I’m always excited to find book giveaways! Thank you for talking the time to make this giveaway possible! I enjoy your blog very much! Best of luck to everyone that enters! Have a great week!

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