What’s On My Plate – February 2015

On My Plate

February? You’ve got to be kidding me. I feel like I just packed up all the Christmas decorations! And yet, time marches on…February has typically been a rough month for me, as three out of four of the people in my little family have birthdays this month (including yours truly). And when I say “rough” I mean BUSY. Obviously birthdays are something to celebrate:-D My son is turning SIXTEEN!! That cannot be right. It just can’t. To those of you with small children, cling to these years, because before you know it, your kids are going to be asking about getting their driver’s license! And we’re already talking about college, so yeah. Time sucks. I want time to STOP.

In any event, on the bookish front I have a lovely month ahead of me! Here’s what’s on my plate this month:

Books for Review:

Get in Trouble by Kelly Link. I’m a big Link fan, no one writes short stories quite like her. This is her new collection, and although the publishers have packaged it to look like edgy literary stories, you can bet there is plenty of fantasy and magic realism within these pages.

Dead Boys by Gabriel Squailia. This book just sounds like all kinds of amazing! Can’t wait to get to it.

The Damned by Andrew Pyper. This ghostly story sounds really good!

The Lost Level by Brian Keene. I’ve seen some great reviews on this book from Apex, and I’m looking forward to it.

Kushiel’s Dart by Jacqueline Carey. This is the new edition of an older book that many of my blogger friends have read and loved. I’m so glad I’ll get to read and review it, and I’ll be giving some copies away as well.

Backlist Burndown/WWE Women of Genre Fiction Challenge:

Zoo City

Lisa @ Tenacious Reader has started an awesome reading event each month called Backlist Burndown. I ran out of time in January and wasn’t able to fit a backlist book in, but this month I will, for sure! First up is Zoo City by Lauren Beukes. I adored Broken Monsters and now I’m going to catch up on all her other books. I’m also counting this toward my World’s Without End Women of Genre Fiction Challenge this month.

Blog tours:

I’m part of Tor’s Echo 8 blog tour, and I’ll have my review of Echo 8 up tomorrow, and then Tuesday I’ll be interviewing Sharon and giving away copies of the book!

I was just invited to participate in another Tor event, the blog tour for V.E. Schwab’s A Darker Shade of Magic! Oh boy, I can’t even begin to tell you how excited I am:-D I don’t have all the details yet, and I don’t know my tour date either (it could be next month), but I just had to share. I know there will be a giveaway for the book during the tour, so keep your eyes peeled for more information.


Share the love 2015

As I mentioned, my blog tour stop for Echo 8 is Tuesday, and Tor is giving away copies of Sharon’s latest SF Romance! I had a blast reading this book, and you will too!

After skipping my Book Review Giveaway last month, I’m now combining December and January, and I’ll have TWO winners because of it! For those of you who are new to this, I’ll be giving away the winners’ choice of any of the books I reviewed in December and January. Come back on the 15th to see what you can win! And as always, this giveaway is international.

As part of Tor’s promotion for the new edition of Kushiel’s Dart, I’ll be offering up copies to THREE winners, so check back on the 26th for my review and enter to win your own copy.

Once again, I’m participating in the Share the Love Giveaway Hop, which starts on February 6th. I’ll be “sharing the love” and highlighting some of my favorite authors or bloggers (honestly, I haven’t decided what to do yet, so you’ll just have to come back on the 6th!) I’m not even sure what I’m giving away, oh it’s all a big mystery:-D

Also, I have two giveaways that are still going on, so check the sidebar up there for your chance to win Pacific Fire by Greg van Eekhout and Tunnel Vision by Susan Adrian!

That’s my February, folks! Let me know what you’re up to this month:-D

Posted February 1, 2015 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 14 Comments

14 responses to “What’s On My Plate – February 2015

    • Tammy

      Thanks Jeann! I always complain about certain months being extra busy, but then I realize that almost every month turns out to be crazy:-)

    • Tammy

      Oh you need to catch up on those reviews! If I don’t write mine right away, I forget stuff and then it’s even harder to write the review. Good luck:-D

    • Tammy

      I had some terrible reading months last year, and I’m trying to start the year off by reading more, and reading whenever I have time. There are just SO MANY BOOKS I want to read, it’s making me work harder to get to them:-D

    • Tammy

      Everyone seems to have scored a copy, ha ha! I’m worried that the page count is so long, but I hear it’s a page turner, so hopefully it won’t eat up too much of my reading time this month.

  1. I’ve been dying to read something of Link’s for a long time but I haven’t picked anything of hers up yet. I’ve been eyeing that Jacqueline Carey series for ages too but haven’t gotten around to it yet. OH MAN… A Darker Shade of Magic sounds so freaking good. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it! Happy Reading!

  2. The Lost Level looks like a lot of fun! My first time seeing this book. And very excited about your upcoming participation in the Darker Shade of Magic tour! I’m still debating whether or not I will go with the print or audio. Probably the latter, I hope Audible will have it (don’t see it for preorder yet).
    Mogsy @ BiblioSanctum recently posted…Giveaway: Echo 8 by Sharon Lynn FisherMy Profile

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