What’s On My Plate – November 2014

On My Plate

Is anyone else surprised that it’s already November? This year is flying by, and with only two more months to fit in books for 2014, I’m going to be reading faster than ever! October was a very dismal reading month for me, not because I didn’t enjoy the books I read, but because I read so few books, due to, um, you know life and stuff:-) Hopefully I can get back on track in November and crank out a bunch of review books, as well as some that aren’t for review that I’ve been dying to read.

There’s also Thanksgiving to look forward to! Photo courtesy of http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/wild-turkey/

I’m also joining up with Oh, The Books! and Rinn Reads this month for Sci-Fi November, an event that lasts all month with over 80 bloggers participating! There will all manner of sci-fi goodness, including book reviews, author interviews, games and lots of other fun stuff.

Here’s what to expect from Books, Bones & Buffy this month:

 For Review:

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray. I’ve seen some mixed reviews on this one, but I’m still very curious to read it.

The Heart Does Not Grow Back by Fred Venturini. I tried to fit this in last month, but just couldn’t get to it. This will be one of my official Sci-Fi November reviews!

The Beauty by Aliya Whiteley. This very short novel (100 pages or so) is from a new small UK publisher called Unsung Stories, and I’m looking forward to reading it.

Superheroes Anonymous by Lexie Dunne. The cover says “urban fantasy” and together with that title, I’m hooked so far!

The Boy Who Drew Monsters by Keith Donohue. I’m determined to read this, especially since Tor has now sent me two copies:-) I’ll most likely have a giveaway (US) for one of them. Stay tuned!

Young Woman in a Garden: Stories by Delia Sherman. My short story collection pick for the month.

Dead Funny: Britain’s Best Comedians Turn to Horror edited by Robin Ince and Johnny Mains. This just came in the mail from the wonderful Salt Publishing, so I’m going to try to squeeze it in this month.

Blog Tours:

The Shotgun Arcana by R.S. Belcher. I loved Rod’s second book in his Golgotha series, and I’ll have my review up (and an international giveaway!) on November 4th.

Endsinger by Jay Kristoff. I’ve been a loyal fan of this series from the beginning, and I’m thrilled to be part of Jay’s tour of the final book. Look for my review—and a giveaway of an ARC of Endsinger—on November 7th!

Sci-Fi November:


This is my first time participating in this month-long celebration of all things Sci-Fi! Thanks to Rinn Reads & Oh, the Books! for hosting! I’m thrilled to be interviewing Robert Jackson Bennett, author of City of Stairs, and I have several Sci-Fi book reviews scheduled as well. Look for my Sci-Fi November introduction post on November 2nd, with all the details!


The Boy Who Drew Monsters


Look for all these giveaways this month! Endsinger and The Boy Who Drew Monsters will be U.S. only, since I will have to ship those myself. But The Shotgun Arcana and City of Stairs will be international giveaways, so don’t forget to check back often so you don’t miss out. (No book review giveaway this month, due to the very small number of reviews I posted in October, but get ready for a double-dose of Book Review Giveaway next month—with two winners!)

That’s my November, let me know what you’ll be up to this month!


Posted November 1, 2014 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 15 Comments

15 responses to “What’s On My Plate – November 2014

  1. Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

    I’m determined to read The Boy Who Drew Monsters as well this month. Hope we both enjoy it! An interview with Robert Jackson Bennett?? So awesome! I’ll be on the lookout for that. 🙂

  2. Excited to be part of Sci-Fi November along with you and more than 80 bloggers, that’s more than I thought! There will be a couple of the same books we’ll be reading this month too.

    • This is the first time I’m actually preparing blog posts more than a week in advance. I feel like I have to so I can keep up with my schedule.

  3. Gaaaaaaaaah! I’m so excited for Endsinger *hyperventilates* ;-). I’ve also seen mixed things about A Thousand Pieces of You but still really want to give it a shot because it’s so pretty!

  4. Oh, life and stuff. Why does it always have to get in the way of reading/blogging? Personally I thought October was crazy busy and I’m hoping for a bit of a reprieve this month (although I’m not too optimistic…because life and stuff). I’m really pumped to see what you get up to with Sci-Fi November! Hopefully I’ll get some good sci-fi recs because I have a hard time with choosing my own sci-fi sometimes. Also very excited to hear your thoughts on Endsinger!

  5. Both of those blog tour books have such beautiful covers! Jason Chan’s artwork on the Lotus War books has been phenomenal. I plan to read that series someday. And A Thousand Pieces of You looks pretty interesting, I have to wait and see what you thought about it.

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