Can you believe it’s June already?? Summer is here, although truthfully it’s felt like high summer here in Southern California for months now. I seem to have bit off more than I can chew (keeping with the plate metaphor) this month, but I’m going to try to get to as many of these review titles as I can:
For Review:
The Merciless by Danielle Vega. Just started this and I’m already hooked!
The Source by J.D. Horn. Book Two in his series and one of my “must read” titles this month.
Hexed by Michelle Krys. I’m slightly worried by some negative reviews that have popped up, but I’m still looking forward to it.
Take Back the Skies by Lucy Saxon.
Paranoia by J.R. Johannson. Another book two in a series, I really enjoyed the first book.
Complicit by Stephanie Kuehn. Super excited to get to this! It’s got some excellent early reviews.
Child of a Hidden Sea by A.M. Dellamonica. I haven’t heard much about this title, but I do love the cover!
Darkness Bound by J.T. Geissinger. Oh yeah, this one might be next…
The Murder Complex by Lindsay Cummings.
The Girl With All the Gifts by M.R. Carey. Here’s another one that’s a “must read.” Even though I’ve seen some mixed reviews—from bloggers who DNF’d it to rave reviews—I know this is my kind of book.
Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis. Here’s another book that’s got some great reviews.
Blog Tours:
The Savages by Matt Whyman. I just finished this and boy or boy, was it a hoot! It was such a well written, well crafted story, and I inhaled it. My tour stop is next Sunday June 8th. I believe this has been out since March, and the sequel is coming out this week (American Savage). I will be picking that one up as soon as possible!
Dark Metropolis by Jaclyn Dolamore. This story is set in the 1930s, a magical 1930s. My tour stop is June 12th.
Deadly Curiosities by Gail Z. Martin. I’ve read this already and really enjoyed it. I’ll have a review of the book up shortly, and near the end of the month I’m interviewing Gail.
All three blog tours come with giveaways, so make sure to check back right here!
In addition to the giveaways for each of the blog tours, I’ll be doing my usual Book Review Giveaway, beginning on June 5th. I skipped last month because I didn’t get enough reviews posted to justify the giveaway, so I’m combining April and May this time around. Stop back on the 5th to see the list of books I reviewed, and enter to win your choice of one of them. International, as usual:-)
Next month I’m participating in Xpresso Reads Cover Madness Giveaway Hop, and you can still sign up to participate, so head on over to Giselle and Jenni’s place and sign up if you haven’t already.
So, I’m aiming to read at least eight books this month, which is something I used to do, no problem, but has become nearly impossible since I started working full-time. I shall attempt it again, however! I hope you all have a wonderful month full of bookish goodness. Let me know what you’re up to as well!
I seriously can’t believe that it’s June either! I wish I had more time to read all of the lovely new releases that’ll be hitting shelves in the coming months, but first, I gots to get married. LOL I’ll definitely be back to check out those blog tours, and some of your reviews. Thanks for sharing!
Wow, congrats Carmel! I hope you have the wedding of your dreams:-)
JUNE?!?! Tell me it isn’t so LOL Seriously I am not quite ready yet 🙂
Ha ha, I know, time flies:-)
OMG the Savages looks so good! I’m definitely checking out the review for it. Great month!
It was great! Review will be up soon:-)
I have The Girl With All the Gifts and Child of a Hidden Sea on my plate as well, and I am really excited for both of them. I’ve mostly managed to stay away from any other reviews, so I can’t wait to see what I think. I’d say The Murder Complex is #1 on my books to buy this month, just because it sounds so good.
I’ve heard great things about TGWATG, so that’s probably my most aniticipated.
You’re spot-on about the cover of Child of a Hidden Sea – it’s gorgeous! I succumbed to cover-lust on that one and ended up a bit disappointed. Really liked Deadly Curiosities though, and looking forward to your interview with Gail Z. Martin!
Sorry you didn’t enjoy it so much, I just hate that when the cover outshines the book. I’ll stay positive, however, I may enjoy it!
I’ve seen some pretty mixed reviews of Child of a Hidden Sea so I’m pretty interested to see where you thoughts would fall, as a blogger I trust and seem to have tastes that jive with mine 🙂
Oooh, thanks for reminding me about Deadly Curiosities! You just solved my “What to read next” problem!
Glad to help:-)
Hooray I’ve got 6 of those books on my to read list as well! You have one crazy packed month a head of you. I hope being back at work is going ok for you.
It’s going pretty well, I’m just mourning the loss of all that reading time!
These look like great reads, but wow so many books to read! Good luck!
Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
Thanks Katrina!
Time is going by WAY too fast! I have an ARC for January 2015 how crazy is that? I’m actually starting The Merciless tonight so I’m glad you’re already impressed I love it when a book hooks you from the start. I also can’t wait o read Complicit! Great haul!!
OMG The Merciless is CRAZY! ! Hope you enjoy it:-)