What’s On My Plate – September 2013

On My Plate

Welcome to my monthly feature, What’s On My Plate, in which I attempt to organize my reading, blog tours, bookish events and more for the coming month! I’m not sure how interesting this post is to others, but it does help me remember everything that I need to read. Looking back, I realized I have now been doing this feature for an entire year! Yay me!

September is a crazy month for new releases, and once again I have way too many review books to read. I also have two very special review books that will hopefully show up this month, so I’m being optimistic and including them as well. As for blog tours, I’m cutting way back. I’m participating in the ones I’ve committed to, but after that I hope to take a break. I enjoy them, but they really do cut into my reading time for review books. So, here’s what’s on my plate this month:

For Review from NetGalley & Edelweiss:

Cain’s Blood by Geoffrey Girard. Release date: September 3 2013.  I’ve been dying to read this adult “companion” novel to Girard’s Project Cain, ever since I finished his creepy YA novel about a boy who has been cloned from serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer.

All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill. Release date: September 3 2013. I’ve read so many rave reviews from other bloggers, that I can’t wait to dive into this time travel story!

The Red Queen Dies by Frankie Y. Bailey. Release date: September 10 2013. This mystery will be a welcome change from all the paranormal, science fiction and horror that I normally read.

Thin Space by Jody Casella. Release date: September 10 2013. This is another title that’s been getting raves from some of my blogging buds!

The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas. Release date: September 17 2013. I’ve read some great reviews of this book as well. The cover is seriously kick-ass, and I hope the story is too.

Not A Drop To Drink by Mindy McGinnis. Release date:  September 24 2013. Finally! I’ve had this on my Kindle for months. Yet another book that bloggers are loving, so I have high hopes!

ARCs/Finished copies to review from Publisher:

Skulk by Rosie Best. Release date: September 3 2013.  From my friends at Strange Chemistry comes this fantasy about shape-shifting foxes!

Glitter & Mayhem by various authors. Release date: September 2 2013. This looks like another stellar collection from my friends at Apex Book Company. I don’t recognize most of these writers, but that’s ok. Sometimes the best stories are from people I’m unfamiliar with. I do, however, recognize the person who has written the introduction: Amber Benson!! Seriously!!

The Kings and Queens of Roam by Daniel Wallace. Now available.  I received a finished copy of this book from the publisher, and I’m looking forward to reading this story by Big Fish author Wallace.

Blog Tours:

The Samaritan’s Pistol by Eric Bishop. My tour stop is this Thursday. I’m reading this right now, and I have to say I’m enjoying it immensely! It’s not my typical genre at all, but the publisher approached me directly to participate in the tour, so I thought I’d give it a go. Stop back here Thursday for my review, and you can enter to win a $15 Amazon gift card.

Wanted: One Ghost by Loni Lynne. My tour stop is the 12th. I hesitated to join this tour, because I’m really staying away from indie books these days (mostly because they take time away from reading the books I really want to read). But I’ve worked with the publicist in the past and I wanted to help her out with this tour. And guess what? The giveaway for this tour is a $20 Amazon gift card.

The Outside by Laura Bickle. I was thrilled to get on this tour. And in fact I need to read both books (this is book two) before the 20th! They are supposed to be amazing, so I have no doubt I can pull it off.

Other Bookish Events on the Blog:

Mr. Penumbra's

Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan. This amazing book will have its paperback debut on September 24th (get it?). A lovely publicist from Picador contacted me about doing a review, and since I’ve read the book but haven’t reviewed it yet, and I also already own a copy, I will be giving away a copy of the paperback, courtesy of the publisher. Stop back on the 24th to read my review and enter the giveaway. This is one book that should be on everyone’s “to be read” list!

September releases that I must try to fit in:


Kinslayer by Jay Kristoff. OMG, I was so excited when I got an email from Library Thing telling me I had won a copy of Kinslayer. HOWEVER, I have learned to be wary of these Library Thing emails. The last two books I (supposedly) won from them, I never received. I don’t know why, but it’s a little frustrating. I have pre-ordered this book, so even if LT doesn’t come through for me, I will be reading it as soon as I have the chance. Love you Jay!!!

Vicious by V. E. Schwab. OK, so this was totally unexpected. I tried and tried to get Tor to send me a review copy, but it never happened. Then I happened upon an email from Victoria saying that the first ten people to respond to her email would get to read and review an ARC, but only one ARC that we would have to pass along. Which at first sounded cool, but the more I thought about it, I realized I may not even see it for months (I’m assuming the ten people selected could be anywhere in the country) and Vicious comes out September 24 anyway. And I don’t get to keep it when it gets to me, I have to pass it along to someone else! OK, don’t get me wrong. I’m thrilled I was one of the first ten people to respond, but it’s looking more like a chore now. Once I receive the book, I’ll have to drop whatever I’m reading and read it fast so I can send it to the next reader. Oh what have I done…

Please excuse my ranting! A little personal information: yesterday I think my cell phone was stolen. I actually think someone pick-pocketed me when I wasn’t paying attention and swiped it out of my purse! I remember very clearly putting it there when I went to the grocery store, and I never took it out during that time. When I got home, the zip pocket I keep my phone in was unzipped, and, well, no phone. I’m so mad because I don’t want the expense of replacing it right now.

So any negative ranting in this post simply comes from that frustration. Hey, we’re all human, right?

So, my plate is extremely full this month, and I’m going to do my best to get through everything I’ve committed to. What about you guys? Are you as busy on your blogs as I am?

Posted September 2, 2013 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 8 Comments

8 responses to “What’s On My Plate – September 2013

  1. Tammy that is awful about your phone! I can’t believe that happened to you!! I really hope it turns up somehow.
    Thanks for the reminder about 24-hour bookstore- I have the audio to listen to. And I pre-ordered All Our Yesterdays because of all the rave reviews. Hope it’s amazing.
    You have a lot on your plate, and it should be a fun bookish September!

  2. Hey Tammy! Do you want me to take you off the VICIOUS arc tour? You’re the 3rd person on the list, and it’s with the 2nd person now, so just let me know!

      • Pabkins

        I always give up the sleep to get more reading done! you know its weird, I don’t get an email when you reply to my comments – I only see them when I go to another wordpress.com site and look at the notifications area.

        • I think you have to click the button at the bottom that says “notify me of any comments.” It’s a pain. I like it when you automatically get notified when someone responds or comments.

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