A Great Place to Buy Books

A long time ago, maybe in the early 90’s, I received a catalog in the mail from this guy named Mark V. Ziesing. I can’t remember now how I got on his mailing list, but it was a good thing I did, because I proceeded to buy books from him, slowly at first, and then with increasing regularity, until I was literally standing by the mailbox every month, waiting for the new catalog to arrive.  Mark’s catalogs were filled with new wonders for me:  books and authors I’d never heard of but wanted to read, small publishers that produced lovely limited edition jewels that were difficult to find, and British editions of my favorite writers.  The catalogs were also full of Mark’s unique wit and biting commentary, and I got to know him and his wife Cindy through Mark’s descriptions of each catalog entry, as well as his newsy introduction each month. Over the years, first by phone, then fax, and finally email, Mark and Cindy became my favorite people who I’ve never met.

Despite the fragile existence of the Independent Bookseller, the Ziesings continue to sell books, not because they’re raking in the dough, but because they love what they do.  Please check out their website here.  And tell them Tammy sent you…


Posted July 21, 2011 by Tammy in Uncategorized / 0 Comments

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