Buffy’s Corner 6/9/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

Welcome to Buffy’s Corner, where I take a look at what’s coming up this week on the blog! I’m linking up with The Sunday Post over at Kimberly’s blog, The Caffeinated Reviewer:-D

Summer has hit the mountains, and I’m wishing for snow, lol. I never thought I would say that! This is also pine tree pollen season, so there’s a lovely coating of yellow powder all over everything. I don’t think it lasts more than a couple of weeks, but it’s annoying right now. Other than nature doing its thing, everything is good here. I hope everyone has a good week:-) Oh, and apologies to Barb (if she’s reading this) for the snake photo at the end of this post;-)

Upcoming reads & reviews:

I had so much fun with Fiasco! Look for a review tomorrow:-) I’m also posting my review of The Stardust Grail this week (which I’m still reading), and I’m enjoying it immensely. Next up, who knows? I feel like a deer in headlights, with so many June books to read, but hopefully my next two books will be Incidents Around the House and Grim Root.

Other posts this week:

The only other post I have planned this week, other than reviews, is Future Fiction on Wednesday. But we’ll see how the week goes…

In case you missed:

My posts from last week:

Over-Booked [195]

Small Town Horror by Ronald Malfi – Review 4/5 stars

Future Fiction #282

Summer of Horror 2024

A House Like an Accordion by Audrey Burges – Review 4.5/5 stars

Buffy’s Corner 6/2/24

A Red Tail Boa rests on a rock.
Red Tail Boa

Hope to see you around the blogosphere:-D

Posted June 9, 2024 by Tammy in Buffy's Corner / 25 Comments


25 responses to “Buffy’s Corner 6/9/24 – Looking at the Week Ahead

  1. Snake picture is cool, although I’m glad it’s a picture and not in person for me! I’m with you, I don’t like the heat of summer, I prefer fall or winter! Spring is nice, but knowing it is leading up to warmer weather dampens my enthusiasm for it every year just a bit, lol. You got some good books and I have so many of your reviews I must get to soon! Have a great week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Weekly Wrap-Up #173 – June 9th, 2024My Profile

  2. Don’t you just love those layers of pollen on the car and everything else? Wipe it off in the morning and it’s back again by evening. And it makes breathing so very easy… πŸ™‚

    My first thought on the photo was a boa in the mountains of California?!?!? πŸ™‚

    • Tammy

      It’s not even worth cleaning up the pollen until it stops falling, right? And the boa is a pet, I believe. My husband went to a meeting of herpetologists so he could take photos of them.

    • Tammy

      I probably should have explained, my husband took photos of a group of people who have reptiles as pets, so it’s not running around in the wild, thank goodness:-)

  3. Oh no that pollen sounds like a pain! Hopefully it’s short lived…

    I’ve been away a while so it’s nice to come back and see some good horror reads. πŸ™‚

  4. I am not the hugest fan of snakes but still, the picture is beautiful!! And I have recently added The Stardust Grail to my TBR, so I am glad you are enjoying it and I am curious to know what you would think of it!!

  5. That pollen sounds miserable – and you’ve only just got rid of the snow!!! I hope the weather and nature conspire at some stage during the summer to give you some lovely days. And thank you for the snake warning – I was braced for it so it didn’t come as too much of a shock. I’ve just requested the latest Kingfisher book, thanks to you:)). Fingers crossed I get a copy! I hope you’re having a good week, Tammy.

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