Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books on my Fall TBR 2019

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by Jana at That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out upcoming Top Ten themes on Jana’s blog!

Today is all about our Fall TBRs, and ten books just isn’t working for me. Instead, I’m highlighting my top five most anticipated books for each month of Fall: September, October and November. This is by no means a complete list of all the Fall books I’m excited to read, but if I could only read five new releases each month, these are the books I would choose.

Top Five September 2019 Releases (that I haven’t already read):

We have only one more week in September, but if I could physically read all five of these by the end of the month, I would. September is always a new release heavy month, but it seems especially bad this year for some reason. I had lofty reading goals but the sheer number of “must read” books completely destroyed me!

The Bone Ships by R.J. Barker. I’ve been reading lots of glowing reviews for Barker’s latest book, and I WILL be reading it, but most likely not this month.

The Harp of Kings by Juliet Marillier. Another review book that I haven’t been able to fit in, I’ve also been hearing really good things about this.

The Imaginary Corpse by Tyler Hayes. I may be reading this right now, and I’m hoping for this to be my last review in September. I’ve heard nothing but praise for this debut novel.

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff. Can’t believe I haven’t read this yet! Never fear, it’s coming up soon on the list…

Violet by Scott Thomas. This book is probably better suited as an October read anyway, so I don’t feel too bad pushing it to next month.

Top Five October 2019 Releases:

October, we need to talk. I have about twenty October review books (books that will be released in October, to be clear), and have you seen how many books I read each month?? In any case, these five are my most highly anticipated, and I’m working on getting some of these read prior to release date.

First up is definitely going to be The Absinthe Earl by Sharon Lynn Fisher. Sharon sent me an ARC which was the sweetest thing ever, and I’m a huge fan of ALL her books.

The Girl with no Face by  M.H. Boroson is the long awaited sequel to The Girl with Ghost Eyes, which I read several years ago and absolutely loved. I’m slightly nervous about starting this, but looking forward to it as well.

On the other hand, I have no doubt I will love Dark Pattern by Andrew Mayne. Mayne’s series has been consistently good, and his main character Theo is one of the most outlandish and interesting protagonists I’ve ever read!

Then there’s Ghoster by Jason Arnopp. It’s been very hard not to read this the moment it landed in my mailbox, because I’m such a huge fan of The Last Days of Jack Sparks. Although the mixed reviews on Goodreads are making me nervous… Expect an early review of this as well! (Release date is 10/22)

And finally, The Remaking by Clay McLeod Chapman is another book I’m excited to read. I’m seeing mostly positive reviews on Goodreads but as always, I’ll form my own opinions once I start reading.

Top Five November 2019 Releases:

Moving on to November, luckily it’s a much lighter month for new releases. In addition, November is Sci Fi Month, and this will be the fifth year I’m participating! (I think. I need to go back and check). A grand total of ZERO of these five are science fiction, so obviously I won’t be reading SF exclusively. Only two of these are technically review books, two are Comic Con acquisitions that I’m dying to read, and the other I’ll be buying because I don’t think review copies are even available.

Starting with Sabbath by Nick Mamatas, I’m really looking forward to his latest. This sounds crazy!

The Deep by Rivers Solomon is a novella, so this sound be easy to squeeze in. I’m very curious about this because the concept is tied in with a rap group called Clipping, and the members of Clipping are listed as being cowriters. Not sure I have all that correct, but I can’t wait to figure it out!

No explanation needed for The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. This is one of the big Fall releases, and I was lucky enough to get an ARC at Comic Con and meet the author. I hope to fit it in!

The Guinevere Deception by Kiersten White is another Comic Con book, and having loved White’s Slayer this past year, I’m curious to read more books of hers.

And of course, The Queen of Nothing by Holly Black is the highly anticipated finale to Black’s Folk of the Air series. I need to preorder a copy soon!

So I’m going to be busy in the next few months! I’d love to know if you will be reading any of these books as well:-D

Posted September 24, 2019 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 72 Comments

72 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books on my Fall TBR 2019

  1. TWENTY October review books??? omg, all the best getting those done in time!

    has anyone done research into why snakes are dominating covers this season? they’re EVERYWHERE. looking at you, The Remaking!

    Ghoster sounds like a lot of fun, but yikes, I saw the negative reviews and was a bit woeful. but I’ve loved some books with horrid reviews, so who knows! hope you enjoy it anyway!

    I have a grudge against The Harp of Kings because I entered several giveaways for it and didn’t win ANY of them, so I’m snubbing the book out of spite, haha! I have enjoyed Juliet Marillier in the past, though, and feedback I’ve seen has been positive!

    • Tammy

      Ha ha, I was actually thinking of doing a post with all the snake cover books I could find, I’ve definitely noticed it!

  2. Weirdly- I don’t have any of these specifically slotted to read- but a lot of them are on my general TBR. I was initially really excited for The Deep, and do have a buddy read scheduled, but I think my enthusiasm has waned a bit since the date was pushed back. I was in the mood to read it over the summer, less so now. Hopefully I’ll change my mind by the time November hits. (What can I say, ocean stuff screams summer to me!) I also want to check out The Bone Ships and The Remaking and Ghoster at some point!

  3. I hope you succeed in your plan. I’m about 30 pages into The Imaginary Corpse and it WILL get read in October but I had to push it a tad for Monsterathon and because of a blog tour. I know this quarter is always busy but will horror/thriller releases on the rise, I feel like this year is much busier than last at this time. Looking forward to lots of exciting reviews here!

  4. I like how you separated these books! I should be reading Bone Ships soon, and I’m so excited. :3 I’m just a little behind, like always. xD Also, yes to Darkdawn! I’m so eager to read that whole series. I plan on just taking a weekend, hopefully, and whipping through it once I have the third book in my hands.

    The Girl With No Face has a gorgeous cover! I’m glad to hear you loved The Girl with Ghost Eyes. I’ve wanted to read it, but I wasn’t quite sure about it. I’ll have to put it on my list. :3

    Congrats on your ARC of The Starless Sea! That’s so neat that you were able to meet the author!

  5. I can’ t believe I still haven’t read Erin Morgenstern! I recently got The Night Circus to remedy that! Looking forward to The Starless Sea as well! Great List Tammy!

  6. I’m looking forward to Ghoster! I’m not sure I’ll read The Starless Sea (I didn’t like The Night Circus), but it does sounds like that’s the book everyone will be reading. I’ll check out the reviews for sure!

    • Tammy

      I agree, The Starless Sea is going to be one of the “big” fall books, let’s hope it lives up to expectations:-)

  7. So many people have mentioned looking forward to reading The Bone Ships this week. I hope at least one of you will write a review of it eventually! I’ve added to my super-long TBR and hope to get around to it at some point. 🙂

    My TTT.

    • Tammy

      I will definitely be reading and reviewing The Bones Ships. I’m sad I couldn’t get to it by release day, though.

  8. So looking forward to The Guinevere Deception! I’m hearing a lot of amazing things about The Bone Ships, but I’m making myself wait on that one until I finish Barker’s other trilogy. There are just waaay too many awesome books coming out, and I’m trying to keep November backlist heavy for Sci-Fi Month. #ReaderProblems

    • Tammy

      Yeah, I just don’t have time to reread the whole series, I may just go over my reviews for the first two books to try and remember what happened.

  9. I just received a signed 1st edition of Darkdawn from Tor. Really excited about that (but of course I need to read the first two books first…). And I’m currently listening to The Naturalist and thoroughly enjoying it, so I could see myself seeking out Dark Pattern at some point. I’d really like to try The Harp of Kings, just sounds like something I’d enjoy. So many great looking books here, can’t wait to read your take on them.

  10. I can’t believe I still haven’t read Harp of Kings, nor my other most highly anticipated novel of the year, The Dragon Republic. It’s been a bit nuts this summer and the craziness seems to be continuing into fall 😛

    • Tammy

      I have read some very mixed things about Darkdawn, so I’m not surprised to hear you say that. I hope you talk about it in a video (or maybe you have, I’m very behind on YouTube!)

  11. Basically.. I’m scared to DEATH of what Darkdawn will do to me, which is why I haven’t read it yet..

    Apart from that, I honestly can’t wait to read The Queen of Nothing, The Beautiful and get my hands on a copy of The Starless Sea. [Congratz on that ARC btw! Crazy!] There are so many books coming out in the next couple of months.. I might just have to brainwash my boyfriend to let me spend more money on books or something..

    • Tammy

      Oh you definitely need to talk your boyfriend into buying more books, it’s going to be hard to choose which ones to read this fall:-)

  12. Hope you’ll enjoy The Bone Ships, Tammy! I also look forward to your thoughts on The Starless Sea. I probably won’t get around to reading it on Day 1 since I want to see what everyone will think of it first hahah Happy reading! 😀

  13. Hope you enjoy all these. I’ve added at least a few of them to my TBR list 😀
    I really want to read the Nevernight books, especially now Darkdawn is out, and The Starless Sea is another I’m really looking forward to as I loved The Night Circus.

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