Book Review Giveaway is Back! Win a Book I Reviewed in April

I started my Book Review Giveaway for two reasons: one, I wanted more people to read my reviews. Most bloggers I know bemoan the fact that even though book reviews are the main reason they blog, readers gravitate towards more “exciting” posts like memes, lists, giveaways, and discussions. Two, I wanted to put one of the books I’ve read each month in the hands of someone who’s really excited to read it. I stopped doing it because I just needed a break. Well, the break is over! Here’s how my giveaway works:

  • Each month around the 15th, I’ll post the giveaway, featuring all the books I reviewed the previous month. (sort of like a wrap-up post, but with bonus content!)
  • I’ll leave links to my reviews because I want you to read them if you haven’t!
  • The giveaway will run for two weeks, until the end of the month, at which point I’ll randomly choose a winner.
  • **Bonus: If I manage to post EIGHT reviews in a month, I will choose TWO winners! (That’s gonna be hard, my average is 6-7)
  • The giveaway is INTERNATIONAL, provided The Book Depository ships to your country.
  • No substitutions! If you win and you’ve already read the books, or you just don’t like the sound of any, then I suggest you don’t enter. This giveaway is pretty specific and this is one rule I’m strict with. I usually post a variety of books, both adult and YA, in lots of genres, so hopefully there will be something that interests you.
  • I use Rafflecopter for my giveaways, and there are multiple ways to enter. You don’t have to have a Twitter account to participate!

And that’s it! Without further ado, here are the books I read and reviewed in April:

A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World by C.A. Fletcher

Titanshade by Dan Stout

Westside by W.M. Akers

The Princess and the Fangirl by Ashley Poston

Atlas Alone (Planetfall #4) by Emma Newman

Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan

The Luminous Dead by Caitlin Starling

Ready to enter? Simply fill out the Rafflecopter form below. One winner will be randomly selected on June 1. Good luck!

Posted May 16, 2019 by Tammy in Book Review Giveaway / 34 Comments

34 responses to “Book Review Giveaway is Back! Win a Book I Reviewed in April

  1. Betul

    I would pick Wicked Saints.
    My favorite book from April was Eleanor & Grey by Brittainy C. Cherry.

  2. Glad to see this start back up. I never entered before so now I’ll start – of course you know I love your reviews and am always finding new books here. I would pick Wicked Saints and my favorite book in April was Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels #4). Well, it was my only 5 star read so I’m going with that.

  3. Yippee! You always share books I want to read. I would love to win A Boy And His Dog At The End Of The World! Thanks for the fun giveaway:)

  4. John Smith

    Only two of the reviews, “Westside” and “Atlas Alone” have a comment box, so I am commenting on the “A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World ” review here. …I like the sound of the book being “exquisitely written.” Excellent writing is definitely one of the main things I require in a good read. It sound like an odd, strange story. I suspect it would make a good episode of “The Twilight Zone,” searching for a dog after the apocalypse.

    • Tammy

      Hey John, thanks for letting me know about that. I’ve fixed it now so you can leave a comment on any review. Good catch!

  5. Laurie Harris

    Ooh, these all look so good but if I win I’d pick Wicked Saints or A Boy and his dog at the end of the World

  6. Linda Romer

    I read and reviewed A Boy and His Dog at the End of the World and loved it. I would love to read Westside. Thank you

  7. Beth T.

    I’d be thrilled with either Princess and the Fangirl or Westside. Thanks for the great reviews and for the giveaway.

  8. Oooh, Wicked Saints, please! That one has been on my radar for a while. Though I’ll have to check out your review of it to see why it was a 3.5-star read for you…

  9. This is such a cool feature, especially since you always read such a great variety of books. A Boy and his Dog at the End of the World is one I would definitely love to read after seeing your 5 star review for it.

  10. Lily M.

    Oh man! I’m excited for The Princess and the Fangirl and Wicked Saints :):) thank you so much for this opportunity 🙂

  11. Summer

    I’m not sure which I would choose, you read several that really appeal to me, maybe Wicked Saints or The Princess and The Fangirl.

  12. Penny Olson

    I would choose a Boy and His Dog because it sounds so well written and different.

  13. Dan Denman

    I think A Boy And His Dog At The End Of The World sounds really good to me. I really enjoyed the review.

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