RADIANCE by Catherynne M. Valente – Review

I received this book for free from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

RADIANCE by Catherynne M. Valente – ReviewRadiance by Catherynne M. Valente
Published by Tor Books on Ocotober 20 2015
Genres: Adult, Science fiction
Pages: 432
Format: ARC
Source: Publisher
Buy on Amazon

The nitty-gritty: A weird and wonderful trip to the stars and planets, a perplexing and unsettling mystery, and a rather frustrating—but ultimately rewarding—reading experience.

Pluto and Charon in a verdant jungle embrace: between them grew vines as thick and long and mighty as the Mississippi river, great lily-lime leaves opening, curling toward the distant star of the sun like grasping hands wider than Lake Erie. And upon them unspeakable blossoms, petals of lavender tallow, infant greater than ships, obscene chrysanthemums pointing like radio antennae in every direction. Those mighty Mississip-vines lashed round both planets in a suckling clutch, so enmeshed that I could not say whose earth they grew in, just that whoever’s plant it was loved the world so much that it could not let it go.

After my exhilarating reading experience with Valente’s novella Six-Gun Snow White, I was excited to dip into something longer, and Radiance promised to be just what I was looking for. But what I got was not quite what I expected. Here are some words to describe Radiance, in case you’re looking for a “nutshell” type of review: weird, strange, wonderful, unexpected, magical, tedious, frustrating. Wait—tedious and frustrating? As much as I loved Valente’s vision, and let’s be honest—her brilliance—there were times when I almost put this book down. Radiance is not going to be for everyone, let’s get that out of the way. This is a tough book, one that requires patience, and a reader who is not afraid of the confusion that comes from an unconventional story format. Valente teases the reader with a mixed-up recounting of the events that lead to the disappearance of one Severin Unck, a documentary film maker who mysteriously disappears while investigating the destruction of a colony on the planet Venus. This is but one of the mysteries in the story, and it’s the main thread that binds everything together.

Not only are the events of the story told out of order, but the format is a jumble of snippets of screenplays, journal entries, interviews, radio and TV advertisements, podcasts, and weird, dream-like sequences. This makes for a very confusing beginning, as the reader is thrown into the middle of a story maze and forced to find their way out with very little to go on. But stick with it, and I promise you’ll be rewarded. What emerges is a steadily growing sense of unease as we piece together not only the bits of the central mystery, but the backstories of some very fascinating characters. Radiance is unsettling in the best possible way. Two other stories in particular came to mind while I was reading: Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer, and for some odd reason, the movie Eyes Wide Shut (Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman, anyone??). Both of those made me uncomfortable, but I just had to see how they ended.

Valente sets her story in an idealized, almost cartoonish version of the future (or is it the past? Technically, the storyline takes place during the 1920s to the 1960s.) Space travel among all the planets in our solar system has become reality, and each planet has a particular quirk that it’s famous for. The Earth’s Moon is where movies are mostly made—a futuristic Hollywood, if you will. Far away Pluto is a planet of decadence, where residents wear elaborately designed breathing masks and indulge in their carnal desires. Perhaps the most enigmatic of the planets is Venus, where the oceans are ruled by the mysterious callowhales, aliens the size of islands who provide (against their will) a product called callowmilk, which is “mined” by deep-sea divers. Each new wonder is revealed slowly as we read the accounts of the various characters and how they are related to Severin.

And this is where Valente really shines. I said it before in my last review, and I’ll say it again. Her writing is just stunning, her descriptions riveting. Every word is carefully placed, and while it does seem at times she’s so in love with her own voice that she forgets about the story, that isn’t the case at all. The story is there, but like I said before, you have to dig deep and put some effort in to find it. I recommend reading Radiance in one or two sittings if you can, because stopping and starting will only make that story harder to understand.

Because of the unusual format, the personalities of the characters emerge slower than normal, but each character is so distinct that I didn’t mind. Severin’s backstory was my favorite. Her father is Percival Unck, a famous director, and she’s been exposed to movie-making her whole life. (She’s also been on camera since she was young, and some of my favorite parts of the book were the sections called “From the Personal Reels of Percival Alfred Unck,” Percy’s home movies of his daughter.) In one chapter, Severin tells us about all seven of her mothers, including the day she was left in a basket on Percy’s doorstep. I also loved the story of Anchises, a boy who is rescued from the Adonis disaster site and who is one of the book’s biggest mysteries.

Radiance is all about making movies and how our perceptions change behind the lens of a camera. The author even says in her Acknowledgements that she wanted to capture the magic of growing up with a father who was in the movie industry, and I think she’s done just that. She even uses the rather clever device of labeling each section of the story as “The White Pages,” “The Blue Pages,” etc., an ode to the practice of tipping in different colored pages every time a shooting script is revised, which is an even more clever way of demonstrating how stories change over time.

When the mystery of Severin’s death is finally revealed—although there is some ambiguity about it—most of the pieces fall into place at last. There is a weird and wonderful scene at the end where all the characters, both alive and dead, come together at a party and explain things to the reader. In the end, Radiance is an experience, a book to savor long after you’ve finished. If you’re a patient reader who appreciates gorgeous prose and far-out ideas, then go run and get a copy for yourself.

Big thanks to the publisher for supplying a review copy. Above quote was taken from an uncorrected proof and may differ in the final version of the book.

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This review is part of Sci-Fi Month, hosted by Rinn Reads and Over the Effing Rainbow.

Posted November 27, 2015 by Tammy in 4 1/2 stars, Reviews / 20 Comments

20 responses to “RADIANCE by Catherynne M. Valente – Review

  1. I’ve got to read that ending. It sounds so fresh, different, and I love that in a story! Crossing fingers, toes, eyes, and anything else I can to win this awesome book!

  2. Nadine

    I like science fiction but the structure of this novel sounds intriguing as it sounds a little like Slaughterhouse Five.

  3. Carl

    Oddly enough I like the sound of this book because, as you point out, it’s not for everyone. I enjoy books that take a little work to get into and this one sounds like it’s right up my alley. Thanks for the chance to win a copy.

  4. Hmm, despite the fact that it doesn’t sound like it completely works for you – I am intrigued! I love prose that takes me away with its poetry, especially if it does so in a surreal way. And that excerpt you chose really painted a vivid image in my mind! I’m curious about the world-building behind this book. I might take a gander at it just for that! I’ve got Six-Gun Snow White coming in, soon, so let’s see if I love that one first 😀

  5. This sounds absolutely brilliant! One of the aspects that really interests me in this book is film-making on other planets – and that it’s set in an alternate past. 🙂 Fingers crossed for this one!

  6. Wow, this sounds fabulous! I’ve been keeping my eye out for reviews of Radiance because it sounded so unique, but I confess I was a bit worried it would be too “out there” for me. Severin’s story in particular sounds fascinating!

  7. Kara S

    I really enjoy original literary fiction, and I’ve heard a lot of good things (obviously) about Valente’s particular style. Thanks for this phenomenal opportunity; I would love to add this to my personal library! Cheers, Kara S

  8. Okay, I am totally sold. Sign me up for the giveaway! I think what interests me most is the “cartoonish” description you gave about this bizarro future that also seems like the past (20s-60s) etc. I love interesting sci-fi settings! Thanks for the opportunity!

  9. Aside from thinking Planet Lion was strange, the other thing that did stand out to me was her gorgeous prose. I had no idea that the story was told is such a jumble of formats – but that exciting. I’d like piecing together a puzzle like that as I read. I’d be willing to give Valentines “uniqueness” a go again 🙂

  10. This book sounds so good! I’ve never read anything by this author before but ever since I heard about Radiance, I’ve been meaning to pick it up. The premise definitely sounds really unique and the narrative style too is quite intriguing. Really enjoyed this review 🙂

  11. I really like retro-futures and weirdness. SF stories set in our solar system really appeal to me, too. Sounds like an awesome book overall!

  12. Wonderful review! I’ve been meaning to tackle something from this author for some time, and while the book sounds rather dense, requiring a lot of effort from the reader, these kinds of books can be so rewarding.

  13. Haley Scully

    I like the structure of this book and how it’s told through various forms of art. I also think it’s interesting that the story is told out of order. Thanks for the chance! 🙂

  14. I have a copy of this book. I love her writing and I’m excited to read – even if the story has to be teased out a bit! Still sounds good. Nice to have the heads up though.
    Lynn 😀

  15. Sally

    This book has been on my list since I heard about it earlier this year. It sounds like I’ll need to set aside a good chunk of time for the beginning of it but I’m looking forward to reading it.

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