Under Construction – Hard Hats Required – Pardon My Dust:-D

hard hat dog

This is the weekend I’m finally taking the plunge and changing over to a new theme on Books, Bones & Buffy. This TERRIFIES me, because it’s the first new theme I’ve had in nearly four years of blogging! It’s one thing to update your old theme, which I’ve done numerous times, but switching themes means this blog is going to look funny for a few days while I mess with things. You may see it switch back and forth from my current design to a new one, if you happen to stop by over the weekend. No, you have not entered a parallel universe! My method of designing this blog is mostly trial and error and lots of experimentation, especially since I’ve decided to purchase a theme that has lots of cool features that I’m unfamiliar with.

I’m not a coder, or a computer whiz by any means. I rely on the folks who ARE to create easy-to-use themes. I’ve purchased Tweak Me V2 from Ashley at Nose Graze, and I couldn’t be more excited to get started. I know many bloggers who use this theme, and I considered long and hard before I plunked down my money. Hopefully by weekend’s end, you’ll see a new look here.

And thanks for wearing your hard hats, folks. I wouldn’t want you to be killed by a falling beam!

Posted May 8, 2015 by Tammy in Ruminations / 12 Comments


12 responses to “Under Construction – Hard Hats Required – Pardon My Dust:-D

    • Tammy

      Thanks Lynn! Changing themes is definitely harder than just redesigning the theme you already have, but I think in the long run it will be a good change:-D

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