What’s On My Plate – September 2014

On My Plate

The year is slipping away from us! I can’t believe it’s already September. Although in my neck of the woods, September is typically one of the hottest months of the year, I’m looking forward to the weather changing soon, I hope:-) On my plate this month I have a few leftover books from August that I wasn’t able to get to, and some new ones as well. A pretty full plate, as usual! Here’s what I plan on reading this month:

For review from Edelweiss/NetGalley:

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel. I’ve heard some buzz about this book, although I’ve yet to read any blog reviews. Anyone out there read this yet?

Jackaby by William Ritter. I’ve read a few rave reviews, and I’m really looking forward to this “Sherlock Holmes meets Doctor Who.”

Color Song by Victoria Strauss. I read Victoria’s first book in her series, and this is described as a “companion” novel. Victoria brings the historical world of art alive in her books, and I can’t wait to read this!

Tabula Rasa by Kristen Lippert-Martin. This one has some mixed reviews on Goodreads, but the story sure sounds exciting. I’m going to give it a try.

Winterspell by Claire Legrand. I’ve been looking forward to this Nutcracker retelling, and even though I’ve seen a few not-so-positive reviews, I’m still interested…

For review from publishers:

The Shotgun Arcana by R.S. Belcher. I really enjoyed Belcher’s first book in the series, The Six-Gun Tarot, and I can’t wait to read this one!

Falling Sky by Rajan Khanna. This very slim book from Pyr sounds really good. It’s steampunk, but you can’t really tell from the cover. Interesting…

The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare. This is middle grade, which I don’t normally review here, but I’m so curious about the Harry Potter similarities that I just need to see for myself what’s up with this one!

If I have time, ARCs from Comic Con:

The Clockwork Dagger by Beth Cato. Super excited to read this steampunk start to a series. Plus, I want that woman’s jacket sooo bad! (I know I can’t have it, but seriously, isn’t it cool?)

Brood by Chase Novak. I stalked the Hachette booth at Comic Con until this book popped up for grabs. I loved the first book in the series!

The Midnight Queen by Sylvia Izzo Hunter. I’ve heard some good things about this one, although there are quite a range of reviews on Goodreads.

Maplecroft by Cherie Priest. Oh yeah, I will be reading this one, even if I have to bump a review book. One of my most anticipated books from Comic Con!

Broken Monsters by Lauren Beukes. I have yet to read a book by Beukes, let’s hope this is my first!

Right, I know. Way too many books to read in a month, at least for me. But a girl can dream, right? As far as blog tours go, I do have one coming up this month:

Blog Tours:

The Mirror Empire

I’m pretty excited to be on the blog tour for The Mirror Empire by Kameron Hurley. I’m actually still reading this, but I’ll have my review up before my tour stop. Stop back here on September 11th for a guest post with Kameron. And I’m sure there will be a giveaway, Angry Robot is usually very generous:-)


Book review giveaway button 2014 copy

And per usual, I will be giving away one of the books I reviewed in August, and let me tell you, I read some pretty damn amazing books last month! The giveaway starts on the 15th. Don’t forget to come back and enter!

So that’s my crazy reading month. Let me know what you’re up to in September!

Posted September 1, 2014 by Tammy in What's On My Plate / 15 Comments

15 responses to “What’s On My Plate – September 2014

  1. Looks like an awesome September! So many good books out it’s hard to decide what to read. I’ve heard good things about Station Eleven and can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

  2. Lots of books to look forward to for you!
    I’m going to be reading Broken Monsters and Brood shortly. And I will definitely be picking up a copy of Maplecroft – gothic horror. Oh Yes!
    Lynn 😀

  3. Wow, that’s a lot on your plate! If you can get to Maplecroft, I’d be very interested to see what you think. My first experience with Cherie Priest (the first book of her steampunk novel) wasn’t great, but I’d be willing to give her work another chance since this one looks to be historical/horror and sounds completely different.

    • I would be happy if I got to half of these, but Maplecroft is hopefully going to be in that group. I haven’t read Cherie Priest in years so it will be interesting to dive into one of her books again.

  4. Oo Color Song looks interesting, hope you like it! Also Iron Trial looks aaaaaaawesome, so excited to get to that one 😀

  5. So. Many. Books! 😀 I read the first couple pages of Broken Monsters last night and am looking forward to reading more it later! 🙂 And you are right, Falling Sky definitely does NOT look like Steampunk from that cover!!

  6. Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

    Maplecroft and Broken Monsters are two of my most anticipated books of the year! Very, very anxious to get my hands on those. You have a ton of awesome looking books though… happy reading!

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