Tammy’s Top Ten Books So Far – 2014

Top Ten Tuesday 2014 copy

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve done a TTT, but this is one week I couldn’t pass up. We’re nearly half-way through the year (can you believe it?) and already I’m having trouble narrowing down my favorite reads of the year up to this point. But these ten books really stand out, and so I give you my Top Ten favorite books so far this year (listed in no particular order):

The Falconer by Elizabeth May. Just yes. Please give me the next book NOW.

Unhinged by A.G. Howard. Um, yeah. These books are so awesome. I want Ensnared NOW too!

The Line by J.D. Horn. Book two is out now and I’ll be starting it soon (I’m a little behind schedule). Just awesome, folks.

Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. Weird, gorgeous, shocking. Read it!

Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I have no words for just how in love with this book I am. (Well, I wrote a review, so I guess I do have some words…)

The Museum of Extraordinary Things by Alice Hoffman. Full of rich history and gorgeous writing, another winner from Alice Hoffman.

Stolen Songbird by Danielle L. Jensen. Truly wonderful and I do need book two NOW. Somebody. Find it for me. (Oh, it’s not out yet? Damn.)

The Savages by Matt Whyman. I just read this and WOW. Love Matt’s writing and this was so much fun to read!

The Merciless by Danielle Vega. Terrifying, horrific, gruesome, unputdownable. Just go get a copy, people!

The Rabbit Back Literature Society by Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläinen. This odd, strange and beautifully written book came from one of my favorite small publishers, Pushkin Press.

So there you have it. I am not looking forward to picking my top ten at the end of the year, because this was hard enough! I’d love to hear your top ten faves so far!

Posted June 10, 2014 by Tammy in Top Ten Tuesday / 15 Comments

15 responses to “Tammy’s Top Ten Books So Far – 2014

  1. Haven’t read any of these books, terrible! Love the covers of The Line & Cruel Beauty though. They’re both incredibly well-designed.

  2. Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

    I just downloaded Cruel Beauty from that free audiobook program, really hoping to get to it soon! I’d never heard of The Rabbit Back Literature Society but wow, that sounds very intriguing. Great list!

  3. Oh man, I REALLY loved Stolen Songbird as well. Such a great read. I need to review that one ASAP. I also am desperate to read The Falconer; THAT COVER alone is enough of a reason. 😉

    I also just picked up The Museum of Extraordinary Things on a total whim from my library and had heard NOTHING about it, so I am so excited to see it on your list!

  4. I can’t believe I forgot to put Unhinged on my list. I guess I technically read it last year though. I also put Cruel Beauty on my list. I loved that one a lot. Oh and I have The Savages too. I think I’m going to read that one next!

    My TTT

  5. You’ve had a really great reading year so far! I haven’t read any of these books yet, though I’m especially eager to check out Merciless, Cruel Beauty and Museum. Hope the rest of your reading year is just as awesome!

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