I’m so excited to be hosting Geoffrey Girard today, author of the extraordinarily creepy and disturbing Project Cain, which I recently reviewed (you can read my review here if you missed it). If you are a fan of the thriller/horror/science fiction mash-up, then this book is for you. After the interview you can enter to win a hardcover copy of Project Cain, so keep reading!
Fifteen-year-old Jeff Jacobson had never heard of Jeffrey Dahmer, the infamous serial killer who brutally murdered seventeen people more than twenty years ago. But Jeff’s life changes forever when the man he’d thought was his father hands him a government file telling him he was constructed in a laboratory only seven years ago, part of a top-secret government cloning experiment called ‘Project CAIN’.
There, he was created entirely from Jeffrey Dahmer’s DNA. There are others like Jeff—those genetically engineered directly from the most notorious murderers of all time: The Son of Sam, The Boston Strangler, Ted Bundy . . . even other Jeffrey Dahmer clones. Some raised, like Jeff, in caring family environments; others within homes that mimicked the horrific early lives of the men they were created from.
When the most dangerous boys are set free by the geneticist who created them, the summer of killing begins. Worse, these same teens now hold a secret weapon even more dangerous than the terrible evil they carry within. Only Jeff can help track the clones down before it’s too late. But will he catch the ‘monsters’ before becoming one himself?
Welcome to Books, Bones & Buffy. I’m thrilled to have you visiting today, Geoffrey! OK, this may be an obvious question, but how the HECK did you come up with this crazy idea for Project Cain?
Thanks so much for the invite and giving Project Cain an early look. It was a very practical inspiration. Apex Magazine (which specializes in tales that combine horror and science fiction) had rejected a couple of my stories because they were perfectly fine horror or sci-fi but not both. On the drive down to an Apex event in late 2006, I had an hour alone in the car and eventually took something very horror (serial killers) and hitched it to something very SF (cloning and genetic warfare). I was totally “writing to market” and pitched a serialized novella which the publisher bought that same night. Jurassic Park with serial killers was how I thought of it, and pitched it, for a long while.
Your unusual narrative style, of having your main character Jeff speak directly to the reader, has drawn lots of attention from reviewers. You also avoided dialog, in the traditional sense. What made you decide to use this approach?
Jeff uses maybe half a dozen direct addresses in the whole book, so it’s a minor device. Maybe I should have used it more, and it may have proved less jarring for some. I use these because (a) that’s sometimes how people talk (You know what I mean?) and (b) because asking a question of the reader can sometimes get him/her to stop and look at a fact/scene differently. This is a book written for fourteen year olds (not adults), and I wanted a few moments for a chance of personal introspection about some pretty heavy issues. Direct address appears effectively in several adult novels I enjoy (from Kundera to Vonnegut) and the teacher in me wanted to give it a go for teens.
The dialogue tags, I didn’t want them getting in the way of the form. This is a journal written by a sixteen year old kid. Most teen’s journal writing doesn’t capture dialogue as quoted in the traditional way. It’s always: And then Fred starts screaming I should join the circus or something, and I was like: Yeah, not gonna happen. Were there times I wanted to use quotations? Yes. But it wasn’t my book anymore. With first-person narratives, I’m always fanatical about WHY the person is telling the story and WHEN. Is it during the event? A week after? Ten years after? Is it a confession of some kind? A letter? In my mind, Jeff Jacobson (16) has been tasked as part of his therapy (kid’s been through a lot and is working with a therapist) with writing down everything that happened to him, maybe six months after that fact. I imagined he was writing this down to give to another clone who has just joined their group. Some kid who has just found out what he is, and the more-experienced Jeff is spelling it all out to him. Any weirdness in the delivery or form chosen comes from that. It’s the journal of a sixteen year boy. Not the novel of some middle-aged writer (re: Cain’s Blood).
One of my first thoughts when I started reading Project Cain was “Wow, this would make an awesome audio book!” because Jeff’s voice is so distinctive. Are there any plans for one?
Yes. Audible.com. Should be ready by Sept. 3. The narrator we picked sounded perfect. And, thanks much. Jeff’s voice is distinctive, which is partially why the book is getting such mixed reactions. You either like Jeff, or figure I’m a total hack. And I was always ok with that risk/price with this particular book. This poor kid is the genetic offspring of Jeff Dahmer, and Dahmer wasn’t just “some weird guy.” There was a physiological/functional variance there; one I wanted to write from. Jeff quietly and without “normal” emotion still, I think, delivers some heavy observations amidst all the story and history lessons. It’s not how I would ever tell a story, but I’m not Jeff. That may sound like writer bullshit, but the form differences between Project Cain and Cain’s Blood (the adult book) weren’t an accident.
I imagine there was lots of research involved for Project Cain. I can only imagine the kinds of nightmares you must have had while reading about serial killers! Tell us a bit about your research, and please tell me you didn’t actually interview any real serial killers…
Lots of biographies, taped interviews, court transcripts. Those taped serial-killer interviews were close enough for me. I talked to teens plenty to get specific reactions, insight (both my sons and students). Research is 100% my favorite part of writing. I’ve written books on pirates and Native Americans almost solely so I could learn more about these topics. For a 3,000 word story, I’ll read two entire nonfiction books and maybe only work in a handful of facts. This book was no different. A lot of stuff on serial killers’ early lives, military conspiracy stuff, and the science of cloning. I’ve read/heard a hundred times that male readers “prefer non-fiction,” so I work in plenty of facts and history for that group of readers.
I was intrigued (and horrified!) to see actual photos of real serial killers scattered throughout the story. How did you decide to incorporate these elements?
It’s a book written for teens. If you’re thirty and love serial killer books, the last thing you need to see is another picture of Ted Bundy. If, however, you’re fifteen and have just kinda heard the name before, are checking out serial-killer lore for the first time, etc… here’s your pic. My students spent an hour in class one day just kinda looking up pictures of famous serial killers and discussing them. That may prove cheeseball to some, but I once had a room of smart, interested teens who wanted to know what these guys looked like.
You have a companion novel (to Project Cain) called Cain’s Blood (which I need to read!). I understand this is the “adult” version of the story. Can you give us some background on how Cain’s Blood came to be? Was this your idea, or your publisher’s idea? Which book came first?
I wrote that novella in 2007 for adults. R-rated, well-received. The end. Years later, I was teaching and the serial killer thing came up (as described above). I thought: hmmmm. These guys seem interested in serial killers and that’s something I know a lot about; I bet I can make that old story new for teens. I rewrote the original novella specifically for teens in a strange first-person telling (if you think reactions are mixed now — woo hoo! – you should see this one.) Sent it to my future agents, who liked my writing, but thought the bigger story would work better as a traditional thriller for adults. So I wrote that, and got signed to their agency. In that same phone call, they asked if I’d have any interest in writing a teen version just from Jeff’s POV, then trying to sell both. I said, sure because I still thought I could do some interesting things with a teen book with such a specific POV. When the books went to auction, Simon and Schuster was feeling creative and went for it.
I hope you get around to Cain’s Blood. I’ll be curious if the two books have enough new twists for you, to keep it worthwhile. In short: IF you’re over 18, read Cain’s Blood. If you’re younger than 18, an educator looking for teen fic, or just like to have some fun with a YA book, then check out Project Cain.
Completely off topic (actually, it’s not!): If you could be cloned from anyone in history (dead or alive), who would you choose?
Fun question. First guy who came to mind was Thomas Jefferson. Probably the best mind of his age (and consider that age). Writer, musician, scientist. Couple inches taller than 6’. Lived to 83 back in the day. Yeah, I could get some stuff done with that DNA. I wouldn’t care for all the ginger/soulless jokes, but it’d be worth it.
Please tell us three things about Geoffrey Girard that can’t be found on your website.
1. My oldest/first memory is a nightmare I had.
2. Vivaldi’s concerto for guitar in D, 2nd movement, always makes me cry.
3. I greatly wish Fuddruckers would come back to Ohio.
You can come visit me in Burbank, we have a Fuddruckers! Thanks for a terrific interview!
Geoffrey Girard writes thrillers, historicals, dark fantasy, young adult novels, and short speculative fiction for publications including WRITERS OF THE FUTURE and the recent Stoker-nominated DARK FAITH anthology. Born in Germany and shaped in New Jersey, Geoffrey graduated from Washington College with a literature degree and worked as an advertising copywriter and marketing manager before shifting to high school English teacher. Since, he’s earned an MA in Creative Writing from Miami University and is the Department Chair of English at a private boys’ school in Cincinnati. Simon and Schuster will publish two Girard novels in Fall, 2013: CAIN’S BLOOD, a techno thriller, and PROJECT CAIN, a spinoff novel for Young-Adult readers.
Find Geoffrey: * Author Website * Twitter * Goodreads * Facebook *
Project Cain and Cain’s Blood will be released on September 3rd. I have (1) copy of Project Cain to give away! Giveaway is international provided The Book Depository ships to your country (please check here before you enter). Everyone gets one entry, but you can do extra things to increase your chances of winning! For your chance to win a copy, please fill out the form below:
I wish my instructors in high school had engaged us in such interesting topics. I found that my college (sociology) students loved the topic of serial killers. What was the most common response from your students? Is there a “favorite” serial killer? Are they like my college students and tend to research this topic with more enthusiasm than others? (Sorry for all the questions; this was my area of emphasis at the master’s level…) michelle_willms@yahoo.com
I’m hoping Geoffrey will stop by and answer your question, Michelle! Thanks for stopping by.
Thanks, Michelle, for stopping by (and teaching!). The serial-killer talk… we just kinda wandered into one afternoon. We were discussing Violence and media, and ten seconds later, one of the guys had pulled up a real video of Russian kids murdering a homeless guy. It went from there; the How and Why kinda questions, and by this point, the google-searching was flying, and we got around to the more-famous killers. Sure, morbid fascination goes a long way when you’re 16, or 45, and more immediately “interesting” than a discussion on when/how Hemingway met Fitzgerald and why that matters. I do teach IN COLD BLOOD to my seniors each year (and DEAD MAN WALKING), which brings up a lot of the same questions Looking at the crime, but also the early lives of the men who commit these crimes. This week, every senior is researching a real crime to tell “in the style of Capote” and about half the guys are looking at various serial killers. My own son (who I happen to have this year) is trying to solve the Zodiac Killer crimes as we speak…
Project Cain sounds great. There is something magnetic about serial killers. I find myself fascinated by the sort of brutality that seemingly ordinary people are capable of, and I always wonder how they got to that murderous place. Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for entering!
I’m really looking forward to Project Cain, it sounds intense in a good way! Serial Killers are always an interesting and fascinating topic, morbid but interesting. Thanks for the giveaway and the great interview!
Thanks Alex! I agree, serial killers are a topic you just don’t see much, especially in YA fiction.
A very interesting premise. At first, I was horrified, but then I began to wonder. Is it genes or is it nurturing (or the lack thereof) that makes a monster? Are they responsible or are they to be pitied? Thoughts one truly doesn’t care to have.
Exactly, Irene! It’s a great subject to discuss, I think.
Hi, Irene. Thanks for the comment. Yes, the whole point of PROJECT CAIN is this very question. There is no doubt (in my mind) that guys like Dahmer are physically/genetically different and you and me, and, so, more prone to terrible paths. However, I would also have loved to see Dahmer raised in a different place and time… and believe things would have been very different if he had. Is it a 50/50 split? 70/30? And which way…?
There is no right or wrong style of writing. I like seeing different styles used when I read a variety of books.
Me too, Tammy. The more variety the better!
This book sounds amazing! I have been counting down the days till this came out! I can’t wait to read it!
I LOVE the description on this book and am eagerly awaiting its release. I mean… serial killer… CLONES. EEP. My question? Do you have a favorite television show or movie (or.. book. lol) that involves serial killers- besides your own.
Good question. Hmmm. Honestly, well, no. I could tell you about my favorite fictional vampire, zombie or dragon. But serial killer, I totally prefer the real guys and all those true-crime books: Stranger Beside Me, Devil in the White City, Helter Skelter, A Death in Belmont, Cornwell’s Jack the Ripper book (love), etc; that kinda thing. Love reading those. Which is one more reason, I realize now, PROJECT CAIN is so driven by the nonfiction. The real guys are way more fascinating and terrifying, to me, than anything even the most brilliant fictional authors can come up with.
Thanks, all, for the comments and stopping by. And, again, to BONES, BOOKS & BUFFY! If looking for a more “traditional thriller,” check out CAIN’S BLOOD. It was written for the widest appeal. If, however, you wanna try something different, PROJECT CAIN may do the trick. Flip through either at your fave bookstore and see which you might prefer…
Thanks Geoffrey, for coming back to answer some questions. I guess this is one of those topics that just doesn’t come up a lot in YA fiction, so I imagine there will always be one more question…
I definitely think Cain’s Blood would be more for me than Project Cain. I’ve been feeling a bit burnt on YA this week. But then…that’s just this week LOL.
I know this might come off sounding weird but do you have a favorite serial killer? One who you use for inspiration more than others?
Thanks, Kristin. Like naming your “favorite” way to get punched in the face, right? My main character became a Jeffrey Dahmer clone pretty quickly. Dahmer did not have the “traditional” serial killer childhood; wasn’t beaten, molested, or criminally neglected the way so many others in the list have. I ended up spending most of my time researching him (interviews, bios, his dad’s autobiography, etc.) and ended up kinda, if not “liking him,” feeling sympathy for. Dahmer fell apart in high school… and I teach high school boys. At 14, he was a shy, awkward kid starting to think about sex in a way not yet accepted. At 18, he committed his first murder. What in God’s name happened during those four years? Thinking that maybe things would have been different if he’d just been born in another place/time. Thus, Jeff Jacobson.
I just read your review, and I really love the sound of this book, and want to read it ASAP
And Jeff speaking to the reader directly sounds like an awesome way to read a book.
I think you would love it:)
Me, too!
Hi Geoffrey,
I had no idea this was the format of your book. How unique! I would be very interested in winning/reading/reviewing this book for my site and for the associated sites I review with.
Thanks for the interview. It was very interesting.