Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, and is a fun way to share your book haul with other bloggers! Here’s what I received for the past two weeks (click on the covers to go to Goodreads):
For Review from Author:
Frostbite by Lynn Rush. Release date: September 17 2013 (Lynn Rush, LLC). I just helped out with the cover reveal for this book, and Lynn sent me a review copy as well. This is a new series about a girl with special powers, including the ability to shoot snow from her hands!
Violet Dawn by Lynn Rush. Release date: April 1 2013 (Crescent Moon Press). This is the second book in Lynn’s Violet Night Trilogy. I had a blast reading the first book, Violet Midnight, and I can’t wait to read this one.
Geddy’s Moon by John Mulhall. Now available. (Blanket Fort Books) My husband shot John’s author photo, so that’s kind of how I ended up asking him if I could read and review his book. The reviews on Goodreads are phenomenal!
Poison Shy by Stacey Madden. Now available. (ECW Press). Stacey sent me a finished copy of his book, a thriller that’s got lots of humor as well.
Big thanks to Lynn, John and Stacey!
Received for Blog Tour:
Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn. I’m thrilled to be participating in the blog tour for this book, hosted by Itching For Books. My stop isn’t till June, but I can’t wait to read this. I think this might be a werewolf story, but I’m not sure. The publisher recently changed the cover. Why? I don’t know. I really loved the first one! Thanks to St. Martin’s Press!
Being Henry David by Cal Armistead. I was so excited to win this from Gabrielle at Mod Podge Bookshelf. Thanks Gabrielle!
Notes From Ghost Town and The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison. Big thanks to YA Litwit! I won these in a giveaway, and I’m pretty excited. I’ve heard great things about both books. Thank you Karis!
Oooh, swag! Megan Shepherd was kind enough to send this signed bookmark and a specially made tea bag called “sweet madness” to celebrate the recent release of The Madman’s Daughter. Thanks Megan!
That’s it for this week. What’s on your shelves?
Frostbite has such a pretty cover. I really like your haul this week. I hope you love all your new books.
Being Henry Davide looks so good! And I really enjoyed Notes From Ghost Town. Hope you enjoy all you got 🙂
Here’s my STS!
Great haul of books! I just ordered Charm & Strange last week, i loved the original cover but this one is okay. I really want to read both of the Kate Ellison books, may have to get them soon 🙂
My Haul!
Enjoy your haul. What an eclectic bunch o’ books. I noted that two of them have a tree theme going on, so I’m borrowing the images for a cover coincidence post on my blog. It’s a morning of coincidences b/c I found four covers featuring hearts on another STS! Crazy!
brenda (proseandkahn)
Happy Reading!!!
So many fun looking ones this week! Yay for signed swag as well!
Oohhhh, how fantastic! I love Lynn Rush! That’s awesome that you got two of her latest! Those two books by Kate Ellison look pretty good! OOOO, AND CHARM AND STRANGE! And I want that SWAG!!! Megan is super fantastic 😀
Here is my STS post!
Ahgahgahgah! You got Charm & Strange? Sooooo jealous, Tammy! I hope you enjoy it!
You were lucky with the giveaways this week, Tammy! I haven’t seen the new pb cover of The Butterfly Clues before. And Being Henry David and Charm & Strange look fantastic. Happy reading!
Another person with Charm and strange! I am so jealous, I hope you enjoy!
My Haul! Letterbox Love!