Stacking the Shelves (25)


Stacking the Shelves is hosted by Tynga’s Reviews, and is a fun way to share your book haul with other bloggers! Here’s what I received for the past two weeks (click on the covers to go to Goodreads):

For Review from Author:

Frostbite RushViolet Dawn

Frostbite by Lynn Rush. Release date: September 17 2013 (Lynn Rush, LLC). I just helped out with the cover reveal for this book, and Lynn sent me a review copy as well. This is a new series about a girl with special powers, including the ability to shoot snow from her hands!

Violet Dawn by Lynn Rush. Release date: April 1 2013 (Crescent Moon Press). This is the second book in Lynn’s Violet Night Trilogy. I had a blast reading the first book, Violet Midnight, and I can’t wait to read this one.

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000039_00024]Poison Shy

Geddy’s Moon by John Mulhall. Now available. (Blanket Fort Books) My husband shot John’s author photo, so that’s kind of how I ended up asking him if I could read and review his book.  The reviews on Goodreads are phenomenal!

Poison Shy by Stacey Madden. Now available. (ECW Press). Stacey sent me a finished copy of his book, a thriller that’s got lots of humor as well.

Big thanks to Lynn, John and Stacey!

Received for Blog Tour:

Charm & Strange2

Charm & Strange by Stephanie Kuehn. I’m thrilled to be participating in the blog tour for this book, hosted by Itching For Books. My stop isn’t till June, but I can’t wait to read this. I think this might be a werewolf story, but I’m not sure. The publisher recently changed the cover. Why? I don’t know. I really loved the first one! Thanks to St. Martin’s Press!


Being Henry David

Being Henry David by Cal Armistead. I was so excited to win this from Gabrielle at Mod Podge Bookshelf. Thanks Gabrielle!

Notes From Ghost TownThe Butterfly Clues

Notes From Ghost Town and The Butterfly Clues by Kate Ellison. Big thanks to YA Litwit! I won these in a giveaway, and I’m pretty excited. I’ve heard great things about both books. Thank you Karis!


Oooh, swag! Megan Shepherd was kind enough to send this signed bookmark and a specially made tea bag called “sweet madness” to celebrate the recent release of The Madman’s Daughter. Thanks Megan!

That’s it for this week. What’s on your shelves?

Posted March 30, 2013 by Tammy in Stacking the Shelves / 10 Comments


10 responses to “Stacking the Shelves (25)

  1. Jessica

    Being Henry Davide looks so good! And I really enjoyed Notes From Ghost Town. Hope you enjoy all you got 🙂

    Here’s my STS!

  2. Great haul of books! I just ordered Charm & Strange last week, i loved the original cover but this one is okay. I really want to read both of the Kate Ellison books, may have to get them soon 🙂

    My Haul!

  3. Enjoy your haul. What an eclectic bunch o’ books. I noted that two of them have a tree theme going on, so I’m borrowing the images for a cover coincidence post on my blog. It’s a morning of coincidences b/c I found four covers featuring hearts on another STS! Crazy!

    brenda (proseandkahn)

  4. You were lucky with the giveaways this week, Tammy! I haven’t seen the new pb cover of The Butterfly Clues before. And Being Henry David and Charm & Strange look fantastic. Happy reading!

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